Appeals to the Privy Council
Report No. JAM_1751_02

Bonner v Price

Price v Bonner (3 appeals)



Case Name Long

John Bonner v Charles Price

Case Name Long

Charles Price v John Bonner (3 appeals)


Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series


APC Citation  

v.4 [144] p.111–112 (30 April 1751 – 30 June 1757)

PC Register Citation  

George II v.13 (1 May 1750 – 30 March 1752) p.219–220: PC 2/102/219–220


PC Register Citation  

George II v.14 (1 April 1752 – 31 Dec. 1753) p.80, 84–90, 109: PC 2/103/80, 84–90, 109


PC Register Citation  

George II v.15 (1 Jan. 1754 – 31 Dec. 1755) p.380, 442, 464, 468, 492–493: PC 2/104/380, 442, 464, 468, 492–493


PC Register Citation  

George II v.16 (1 Jan. 1756 – 31 Dec. 1757) p.186, 252–253, 526–530, 540: PC 2/105/186, 252–253, 526–530, 540


Colonial Courts

Chancery – 23 March 1748

Chancery – 15 July 1754

Chancery – 8 Feb. and 18 April 1755

Chancery – 10 Feb. 1756


Barnard, James, master in Chancery, accounts to be taken before

Barton, Samuel

Beckford, Ballard

Bonner, Catherine (wife of Henry)

Bonner, Henry, deceased (son of John [1], brother of William, father of John [2])

Bonner, Jane, widow

Bonner, John sen. (1), deceased (father of Henry, William, and Margaret [now Margaret Russell], grandfather of John [2])

Bonner, John (2), appellant/respondent (son of Henry, nephew of William, grandson of John [1])

Bonner, Margaret – see Russell, Margaret

Bonner, William (husband of Jane, son of John [1], uncle of John [2])

Broadbelt, Daniel, master in Chancery

Dennis, Edmund

Dennis, Mary

Fowler, Christopher

Kelly, Edmund

Marriott, Sidney, master in Chancery

Mill, Richard (guardian of the children of Charles Reed)

Port, Thomas

Price, Hon. Charles, respondent/appellant

Reed, Charles

Russell (née Bonner), Margaret (wife of William, daughter of John Bonner [1])

Russell, William (husband of Margaret)

Serocold, John

Yeamans, Musgrave


Concerning payment and possession of estates.


Parties at liberty to take exceptions to the Master’s report of 31 Jan. 1754 de novo.

References in Smith, Appeals to the Privy Council from the American Plantations

Table of Cases (Price v Bonner)


Printed Cases


Case of the appellant (Charles Price v John Bonner)


R. Henley, Al. Forrester


Law Library of Congress: (Sir George Lee Collection) (Printed/manuscript date on dorse 15 Dec. 1756, corrected to 15 June 1757; no manuscript notes)



Case of the respondent (Charles Price v John Bonner)


C. Pratt


Law Library of Congress: (Sir George Lee Collection) (Printed date on dorse 175_; no manuscript notes. Includes appendix)


Privy Council Documents in PC 1 at The National Archives at Kew

Not found


Other Documents

Other DocumentsCommittee order 
Library Hamilton College Library: (Beinecke Lesser Antilles Collection) M118 (4 pages, 2 blank) (Endorsed “7th Augt. 1755 Committee Order for staying proceeding in Mr. Price’s last appeal”)
