Appeals to the Privy Council
Report No. JAM_1743_01

Philp v Crawford



Case Name Long

Mathias Philp v Alexander and Jane Crawford, and Thomas and Mary French


Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series


APC Citation  

v.3 [556] p.736–738 (15 Sept. 1743 – 20 Dec. 1743)

PC Register Citation  

George II v.8 (22 Oct. 1741 – 29 Sept. 1743) p.236–237, 263, 264–266, 275–276, 280–281, 297–298, 330–331, 431–442, 460–461: PC 2/97/236–237, 263, 264–266, 275–276, 280–281, 297–298, 330–331, 431–442, 460–461


PC Register Citation  

George II v.9 (1 Oct. 1743 – 27 Feb. 1745) p.85–86: PC 2/98/85–86


Colonial Courts

Supreme Court – last Tuesday of May 1741

Governor and Council sitting as a Court of Errors – 22 Oct. 1741


Crawford, Alexander, respondent (husband of Jane)

Crawford (née Mathew), Jane, respondent (wife of Alexander)

Crosby, Joshua (mortgagor of William Shettlewood)

French (née Mathew), Mary, respondent (wife of Thomas)

French, Thomas, respondent (husband of Mary)

Mathew, Elizabeth (daughter of Thomas)

Mathew, Jane – see Crawford, Jane

Mathew, Mary – see French, Mary

Mathew, Robert (son of Thomas)

Mathew, Thomas, deceased (father of Robert, Elizabeth, Jane [now Jane Crawford], and Mary [now Mary French])

Perrin, William (executor of Joseph Poyntz)

Philp, Mathias, of Westmoreland Parish, Jamaica, appellant (executor of Thomas Mathew and Joseph Poyntz)

Poyntz, Dean (executor of Thomas Mathew)

Poyntz, Joseph, later deceased (executor of Thomas Mathew)

Shettlewood, William (mortgagee of Joshua Crosby)




Not stated in the Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series.

References in Smith, Appeals to the Privy Council from the American Plantations

Table of Cases (Philip v Crawford)


Printed Cases

Not found

Privy Council Documents in PC 1 at The National Archives at Kew

Not found