Appeals to the Privy Council
Report No. JAM_1735_00

Lewis v Smith

Collett v Smith



Case Name Long

John Lewis, Samuel Collett, Richard Fenton, and John Barker v Samuel and Anne Smith, and John Vassall

Case Name Long

Samuel Collett, Richard Fenton, and John Barker v Samuel and Anne Smith


Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series


APC Citation  

v.3 [355] p.481 (13 Oct. 1735 – 21 April 1737)

PC Register Citation  

George II v.4 (1 Aug. 1734 – 23 Sept. 1736) p.231, 384, 506: PC 2/93/231, 384, 506


PC Register Citation  

George II v.5 (1 Oct. 1736 – 4 Sept. 1738) p.5–10, 15–20, 214–215: PC 2/94/5–10, 15–20, 214–215


Colonial Courts

Chancery – 12 Aug. 1734


Barker, John, appellant (assignee of John Lewis)

Collett (Collet), Samuel, appellant (assignee of John Lewis)

Fenton, Richard, appellant (assignee of John Lewis)

Lewis, Anne (Anna) – see Smith, Anne

Lewis, John, formerly of Kingston, Jamaica, now of Blackheath, Kent, appellant (brother and heir of William)

Lewis, William, deceased (brother of John)

Smith (née Vassall, formerly Lewis), Anne (Anna), respondent (wife of Samuel, widow of William Lewis, daughter of John Vassall)

Smith, Samuel, respondent (husband of Anne)

Vassal, Anne (Anna) – see Smith, Anne

Vassall, John, respondent (father of Anne [now Anne Smith])


Not stated in the Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series.


Appeal sustained without prejudice.


Smith (p.315) points to this case as an excellent example of the settlement process.

The appellants’ and respondents’ printed cases are summarized in Caribbeana: miscellaneous papers relating to the history, genealogy, topography, and antiquities of the British West Indies, ed. Vere Langford Oliver (London: Mitchell, Hughes, and Clarke, 1909–1919), 6:67–68 (view).

References in Smith, Appeals to the Privy Council from the American Plantations

Table of Cases (Lewis v Smith)


Printed Cases


Case of the appellant (John Lewis, Samuel Collet, Richard Fenton, and John Barker v Samuel and Anna Smith, and John Vassall)


J. Willes; D. Ryder


British Library: (Hardwicke Papers) Additional Manuscripts 36216 f.90r–91v (Manuscript date on dorse 28 November 1736. Manuscript note on dorse only; some underlining)



Case of the respondent (John Lewis, Samuel Collet, Richard Fenton, and John Barker v Samuel and Anna Smith, and John Vassall)


J. Strange; John Browne


British Library: (Hardwicke Papers) Additional Manuscripts 36216 f.92r–102v (No date on dorse; no manuscript notes or underlining. Includes “Letter from Mr. Webb solicitor for appellant; Lewis” to William Sharpe Esq. dated 5 November 1736, “Letter from. Mr. [Nathan] Cole sollicitor for respondent; Smith” to ?, draft decree, another draft decree, and notes [?“observations”] of counsel)


Privy Council Documents in PC 1 at The National Archives at Kew

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