Appeals to the Privy Council |
Report No. JAM_1733_02 |
Jamaica |
Case Name Long |
Thomas Garbrand, by Mathias Philip and William Perrin, and Edward Pratter v Robert Strachan, Caleb and Anna Maria Garbrand, by their ‘next friend’, Samuel and Susannah Wallis, Richard Mill, Richard Basnett, Joshua Crosby, and Alexander Brown |
Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series |
APC Citation | v.3 [282] p.391 (19 July 1733 – 3 April 1735) |
PC Register Citation | George II v.3 (21 July 1732 – 18 July 1734) p.200, 201–202, 221, 242–243, 248: PC 2/92/200, 201–202, 221, 242–243, 248 |
PC Register Citation | George II v.4 (1 Aug. 1734 – 23 Sept. 1736) p.41, 84–85, 91, 93, 95, 104–105, 143: PC 2/93/41, 84–85, 91, 93, 95, 104–105, 143 |
Colonial Courts |
Governor as Chancellor – 6, 16, 23, 27 Nov. and 13 Dec. 1732 |
Participants |
Basnett, Richard, esquire, respondent |
Brown, Alexander, apothecary, respondent |
Crosby, Joshua, merchant, respondent |
Garbrand, Anna Maria, infant, respondent (daughter of Caleb [1]) |
Garbrand, Caleb (1), deceased (husband of Susannah [now Susannah Wallis], father of Caleb [2] and Anna Maria) |
Garbrand, Caleb (2), infant, respondent (son of Caleb [1]) |
Garbrand, Joshua, deceased |
Garbrand, Susannah – see Wallis, Susannah |
Garbrand, Thomas, appellant (eldest son and heir of Joshua) |
Mill, Richard, esquire, respondent |
Perrin, William, appellant (guardian of Thomas Garbrand) |
Philip (preferred spelling is Philp), Mathias, appellant (guardian of Thomas Garbrand) |
Pratter, Edward, appellant |
Strachan, Robert, respondent (executor of Caleb Garbrand [1]) |
Wallis, Samuel, respondent (husband of Susannah) |
Wallis (formerly Garbrand), Susannah, respondent (wife of Samuel, widow of Caleb Garbrand [1]) |
Description |
Not stated in the Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series. |
Disposition |
Orders reversed without prejudice. |
References in Smith, Appeals to the Privy Council from the American Plantations |
Table of Cases (Garbrand v Strachan) |
Printed Cases |
Not found |
Privy Council Documents in PC 1 at The National Archives at Kew |
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