Appeals to the Privy Council
Report No. DOM_1773_00

Fordyce v Morson



Case Name Long

John Fordyce, Andrew Grant, and William Trotter v James Morson


Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series


APC Citation  

v.5 [269] p.382–383 (29 Oct. 1773 – 23 Jan. 1775)

PC Register Citation  

George III v.10 (Jan. 1773 – April 1774) p.328, 456: PC 2/117/328, 456


PC Register Citation  

George III v.11 (May 1774 – May 1775) p.349–351, 373–374: PC 2/118/349–351, 373–374


Colonial Courts

Court of Common Pleas – 26 May 1772

Governor and Council as a Court of Errors – 26 June 1773


Fordyce, John, merchant, of London, appellant

Gemmell, Mr. ___, deceased

Grant, Andrew, merchant, of London, appellant

Hunter, Mr. ___, deceased

Morson, James, respondent (surviving partner of Mr. Gemmell and Mr. Hunter)

Morson, John, deceased

Skirrett, Walter

Trotter, William, merchant, of London, appellant


Concerning a bond.


Decree of 1773 reversed.


“Morson” is part of the name of a company of three men, of whom James Morson is the surviving partner.


Printed Cases

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Privy Council Documents in PC 1 at The National Archives at Kew

TNA Document Committee report – 12 Jan. 1775 (PC 1/60/10/1) view_Document
Catalogued as

Dominica, Windward Islands, West Indies: Committee report on appeal Fordyce v Morson; 23 Jan. read and approved

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Catalogued by The National Archives at Kew