Appeals to the Privy Council
Report No. BAR_1756_02

Adams v Sturge



Case Name Long

Samuel Adams, George Greeme, Elizabeth Maxwell, and Thomas and Elizabeth Inch v William Sturge


Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series


APC Citation  

v.4 [310] p.334 (10 April 1756 – 1 April 1758)

PC Register Citation  

George II v.16 (1 Jan. 1756 – 31 Dec. 1757) p.158, 159, 541–542, 548, 554–555, 570: PC 2/105/158, 159, 541–542, 548, 554–555, 570


PC Register Citation  

George II v.17 (1 Jan. 1758 – 21 May 1759) p.46, 93–94: PC 2/106/46, 93–94


Colonial Courts

Chancery – 2 Dec. 1737

Chancery – 9 July 1755


Adams, John (brother of Margaret [now Margaret Maxwell] and Samuel)

Adams, Margaret – see Maxwell, Margaret

Adams, Samuel, esquire, appellant (brother of John and Margaret [now Margaret Maxwell])

Bishop, Elizabeth – see Ince, Elizabeth

Bishop, Margaret – see Maxwell, Margaret

Bishop, Robert sen. (1), deceased (husband of Margaret [now Margaret Maxwell], father of Robert [2] and Elizabeth [now Elizabeth Ince])

Bishop, Robert jun. (2), respondent (son of Robert [1] and Margaret [now Margaret Maxwell])

Gibbons, John, appellant, deceased (administrator of Robert Bishop [1])

Greeme, George, esquire, appellant

Inch (née Bishop), Elizabeth, appellant (wife of Thomas, daughter of Robert Bishop [1] and Margaret Maxwell)

Inch (Ince), Thomas, esquire, appellant (husband of Elizabeth)

Maxwell, Elizabeth, spinster, appellant (daughter of Thomas and Margaret)

Maxwell (née Adams, formerly Bishop), Margaret, deceased (wife of Thomas Maxwell, widow of Robert Bishop [1], sister of John and Samuel Adams, mother of Elizabeth, Robert Bishop [2], and Elizabeth Ince)

Maxwell, Thomas, respondent (husband and administrator of Margaret, father of Elizabeth)

Sturge, William, respondent (administrator of Robert Bishop [1])


Concerning payment of legacies.


Barbados Chancery order of 1755 reviving Gibbons’s unprosecuted appeal reversed. Sturge’s petition for revival of Gibbons’s appeal by the Privy Council, as well as Gibbons’s appeal of 1737, are dismissed.


The appellants’ printed case is summarized in Caribbeana: miscellaneous papers relating to the history, genealogy, topography, and antiquities of the British West Indies, ed. Vere Langford Oliver (London: Mitchell, Hughes, and Clarke, 1909–1919), 6:119-120 (view).

References in Smith, Appeals to the Privy Council from the American Plantations

Table of Cases (Adams v Sturge) (extensive discussion)


Printed Cases


Case of the appellant (Samuel Adams, Elizabeth Maxwell, and Thomas and Elizabeth Ince v William Sturge), with appendix


C. Pratt; C. Yorke


British Library: (Hardwicke Papers) Additional Manuscripts 36217 f.172r–181v (Printed date on dorse 8 July 1757 with lengthy manuscript notes. Additional manuscript notes and brackets)



Law Library of Congress: (Sir George Lee Collection) (Printed date on dorse 8 July 1757; no manuscript notes)



Case of the respondent (Samuel Adams, Elizabeth Maxwell, and Thomas and Elizabeth Ince v William Sturge)


Geo. Perrot; Alex. Forester


Law Library of Congress: (Sir George Lee Collection) (Printed date on dorse 8 July 1757; no manuscript notes or underlinings)


Privy Council Documents in PC 1 at The National Archives at Kew

Not found