Appeals to the Privy Council
Report No. BAR_1741_00

Alleyne v Alleyne



Case Name Long

Reynold Alleyne and Richard Salter, by Salter’s attorney, Richard Wiltshire, William Tryon and Thomas Tryon, by their attorney, James Bruce, William Paterson, Isaac De Peiza, George Maxwell, and Abel Alleyne v Mary Alleyne


Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series


APC Citation  

v.3 [520] p.697–698 (18 June 1741 – 31 Dec. 1741)

PC Register Citation  

George II v.7 (1 April 1740 – 7 Aug. 1741) p.503–504: PC 2/96/503–504


PC Register Citation  

George II v.8 (22 Oct. 1741 – 29 Sept. 1743) p.8, 15–17, 34: PC 2/97/8, 15–17, 34


Colonial Courts

Chancery – 3 Sept. 1740


Alleyne, Abel, esquire, appellant (trustee and executor of John)

Alleyne, John, esquire, deceased (husband of Mary)

Alleyne, Mary, respondent (widow of John)

Alleyne, Reynold, esquire, appellant (trustee of John)

Bruce, James, esquire, appellant (attorney for Thomas and William Tryon, trustee of John Alleyne)

Johnstone, Elizabeth, widow, deceased

Maxwell, George, gentleman, appellant (trustee of John Alleyne)

Paterson, William, gentleman, merchant, appellant (trustee of John Alleyne)

Peiza, Isaac De, merchant, appellant (trustee of John Alleyne)

Salter, Richard, esquire, appellant (executor of Timothy)

Salter, Timothy, esquire, deceased (executor of Elizabeth Johnstone)

Tryon, Thomas, merchant, appellant

Tryon, William, merchant, appellant

Wiltshire, Richard, esquire, appellant (attorney for Richard Salter)


Debts on judgments and executions affecting an estate.


Appeal sustained.


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