Appeals to the Privy Council |
Report No. BAR_1726_02 |
Barbados |
Case Name Long |
David Hamilton v Edward Sutton, and John and Mary Jenkins |
Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series |
APC Citation | v.3 [99] p.126 (31 May 1726 – 8 Feb. 1727) |
PC Register Citation | George I v.5 (Sept. 1724 – May 1727) p.230, 308, 315–316: PC 2/89/230, 308, 315–316 |
Colonial Courts |
Chancery – 13 Oct. 1725 |
Participants |
Anderson, John (executor of Claudius Hamilton) |
Gordon, Thomas (executor of Claudius Hamilton) |
Hamilton, Anna, deceased (wife of Claudius, mother of Margaret) |
Hamilton, Claudius, deceased (husband of Anna, father of Margaret) |
Hamilton, Daniel (brother of Claudius) |
Hamilton, David (1) (father of David [2], assignee of Claudius) |
Hamilton, David (2), appellant (son of David [1]) |
Hamilton, Margaret, deceased (daughter of Anna and Claudius) |
Jenkins, John, respondent (husband of Mary) |
Jenkins, Mary, respondent (wife of John) |
Sutton, Anna – see Hamilton, Anna |
Sutton, Edmund, esquire, respondent (son of John) |
Sutton, John, esquire, deceased (husband of Margaret, father of Anna [now Anna Hamilton] and Edmund) |
Sutton, Margaret, deceased (widow of John, mother of Mary Jenkins) |
Description |
Concerning a legacy. |
Disposition |
Decree affirmed. |
Notes |
Participants not mentioned in the APC were added here for clarity. Information about these participants was obtained from related primary and other sources. |
Printed Cases |
Not found |
Privy Council Documents in PC 1 at The National Archives at Kew |
TNA Document | Petition of D. Hamilton and Order of reference – 31 May 1726 (PC 1/48/22) | view_Document |
Notes about Document |
Referenced in APC v.6 [347] p.160–161 |
TNA Document | Committee report – 2 Feb. 1727 (PC 1/48/23) | view_Document |
Notes about Document |
Referenced in APC v.6 [365] p.172 |