Appeals to the Privy Council
Report No. BAR_1726_02

Hamilton v Sutton



Case Name Long

David Hamilton v Edward Sutton, and John and Mary Jenkins


Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series


APC Citation  

v.3 [99] p.126 (31 May 1726 – 8 Feb. 1727)

PC Register Citation  

George I v.5 (Sept. 1724 – May 1727) p.230, 308, 315–316: PC 2/89/230, 308, 315–316


Colonial Courts

Chancery – 13 Oct. 1725


Anderson, John (executor of Claudius Hamilton)

Gordon, Thomas (executor of Claudius Hamilton)

Hamilton, Anna, deceased (wife of Claudius, mother of Margaret)

Hamilton, Claudius, deceased (husband of Anna, father of Margaret)

Hamilton, Daniel (brother of Claudius)

Hamilton, David (1) (father of David [2], assignee of Claudius)

Hamilton, David (2), appellant (son of David [1])

Hamilton, Margaret, deceased (daughter of Anna and Claudius)

Jenkins, John, respondent (husband of Mary)

Jenkins, Mary, respondent (wife of John)

Sutton, Anna – see Hamilton, Anna

Sutton, Edmund, esquire, respondent (son of John)

Sutton, John, esquire, deceased (husband of Margaret, father of Anna [now Anna Hamilton] and Edmund)

Sutton, Margaret, deceased (widow of John, mother of Mary Jenkins)


Concerning a legacy.


Decree affirmed.


Participants not mentioned in the APC were added here for clarity. Information about these participants was obtained from related primary and other sources.


Printed Cases

Not found

Privy Council Documents in PC 1 at The National Archives at Kew

TNA Document Petition of D. Hamilton and Order of reference – 31 May 1726 (PC 1/48/22) view_Document
Notes about
Referenced in APC v.6 [347] p.160–161


TNA Document Committee report – 2 Feb. 1727 (PC 1/48/23) view_Document
Notes about
Referenced in APC v.6 [365] p.172
