Appeals to the Privy Council
Report No. BAR_1720_00

Appeal of Cook



Case Name Long

Appeal of Bernard Cook


Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series


APC Citation  

v.2 [1334] p.775–776 (22 March 1720 – 20 Jan. 1722)

PC Register Citation  

George I v.2 (2 March 1717 – 25 Aug. 1720) p.396, 404–405: PC 2/86/396, 404–405


PC Register Citation  

George I v.3 (25 Aug. 1720 – 31 May 1722) p.439–440, 464: PC 2/87/439–440, 464


Colonial Courts

Petit Sessions of the Peace


Adams, Samuel, gentleman

Ball, Guy, esquire, justice of the peace

Barry, George, esquire, justice of the peace

Bishop, Robert, esquire, justice of the peace

Bond, Francis, esquire, justice of the peace

Chanley, Edward (commissioner for Mr. Lowther)

Cook, Bernard, appellant

Elliott, James (commissioner for Mr. Lowther)

Fercherson, John, esquire, justice of the peace

Forbes, William (commissioner for Bernard Cook)

Frere, John (nephew of Mr. Lowther)

Harrison, Robert (commissioner for Bernard Cook)

Kirkham, William, esquire, justice of the peace

Lowther, Mr. [Robert], governor of Barbados (uncle of John Frere)

Maycock, Thomas jun., esquire, justice of the peace

Thomas, Stephen, esquire, justice of the peace

Warren, Robert, gentleman


Public whipping improperly ordered. The appellant was “whipped in open court by the common whipper of slaves, receiving twice 39 lashes in an inhuman and barbarous manner” for words allegedly uttered “reflecting on the modesty of” the wives of Mr. Adams and Mr. Warren.


Eight justices removed from the Commission of the Peace and two from the Council also.


This appeal is irregularly from the Petit Sessions of the Peace.

The APC entry does not make clear if all the Justices have the status of esquire.


Printed Cases

Not found

Privy Council Documents in PC 1 at The National Archives at Kew

TNA Document Whipping of B. Cook – His petition and Order of reference – 22 March 1720 (PC 1/47/16) view_Document
Notes about
Referenced in APC v.6 [294] p.121


TNA Document Committee report – May 1722 (PC 1/58/2A) view_Document
Catalogued as

Barbados, West Indies: Report from Appeals Committee on petition of Barnard Cook

Notes about
Catalogued by The National Archives at Kew. The document, in poor condition, is held in Conservation at TNA


TNA Document Board of Trade representation – 11 November 1725 (PC 1/48/21) view_Document
Notes about
Referenced in APC v.6 [340] p.155
