Appeals to the Privy Council
Report No. BAR_1718_01

Gilligan v Ramsey (2 appeals)



Case Name Long

Manuel Manasses Gilligan v William Ramsey (2 appeals)


Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series


APC Citation  

v.2 [1290] p.737–738 (16 March 1718 – 1 Feb. 1721)

PC Register Citation  

George I v.2 (2 March 1717 – 25 Aug. 1720) p.118, 125–126, 135, 220, 462: PC 2/86/118, 125–126, 135, 220, 462


PC Register Citation  

George I v.3 (25 Aug. 1720 – 31 May 1722) p.89, 113, 119: PC 2/87/89, 113, 119


Colonial Courts



Chamberlain, [Butler] – see Gilligan, Butler

Chamberlain, David

Chamberlain, Tankerville, deceased (sister of Butler [now Butler Gilligan] and Willoughby)

Chamberlain, Sir Willoughby, deceased (brother of Butler [now Butler Gilligan] and Tankerville)

Gilligan, Mrs. [Butler], later deceased (wife of Manuel Manasses Gilligan, sister of Tankerville and Willoughby Chamberlain)

Gilligan, Manuel Manasses, appellant (husband of Butler)

Haggatt, Othniel (administrator of Tankerville Chamberlain)

Hannay, James (administrator of Tankerville Chamberlain)

Irvine, Charles, clerk (administrator of Tankerville Chamberlain)

Ramsay (or Saer), Jane

Ramsay, Mr. William, respondent (administrator de bonis non, etc. of Willoughby Chamberlain, ?administrator of Tankerville Chamberlain)


Concerning the administration of an estate.


Chancery judgment reversed; other appeal dismissed.


Related to other Privy Council appeals:

Crowe v Ramsey – Report No. BAR_1707_01 (APC, v.2 [1013] p.511–512)

Mackaskell v Robinson – Report No. BAR_1708_02 (APC, v.2 [1073] p.571)

Gilligan v Crowe, Crowe v Matson, Crowe v Gilligan – Report No. BAR_1709_01 (APC, v.2 [1080] p.593–596)

Crow v Chamberlain – Report No. BAR_1711_02 (APC, v.2 [1154] p.657).

Mrs. Gilligan may have been deceased when the case began.

References in Smith, Appeals to the Privy Council from the American Plantations

Table of Cases (Gilligan v Ramsey)


Printed Cases

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Privy Council Documents in PC 1 at The National Archives at Kew

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