Appeals to the Privy Council
Report No. ANT_1723_01

Crump v Martin

Martin v Crump



Case Name Long

Nathaniel Crump v Henry Martin and Margaret Martin

Case Name Long

Henry Martin and Margaret Martin v Nathaniel Crump


Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series


APC Citation  

v.3 [41] p.43 (26 Feb. 1723 – 6 Aug. 1723)

PC Register Citation  

George I v.4 (1 June 1722 – 25 Aug. 1724) p.221, 280–281, 302–303: PC 2/88/221, 280–281, 302–303


Colonial Courts

Chancery (no decree)


Crump, Nathaniel, appellant/respondent (executor and residuary legatee of John Martin [1])

Martin, Henry, respondent/appellant (son of Robert)

Martin, John sen. (1), deceased (residuary legator of Nathaniel Crump)

Martin, John jun. (2) (eldest son and heir of Robert)

Martin, Margaret, widow, respondent/appellant

Martin, Robert, deceased (father of Henry and John [2])


Redeeming a mortgage on inherited land to satisfy a debt of the deceased.


Appeal dismissed as no final decree had issued from Antigua; Chancery directed to give judgment.


Related to another Privy Council appeal:

Forrest v Martin, Martin v Forrest – Report No. ANT_1721_01 (APC, v.3 [12] p.21–22).

References in Smith, Appeals to the Privy Council from the American Plantations

Table of Cases (Crump v Martin)


Printed Cases

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Privy Council Documents in PC 1 at The National Archives at Kew

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