[001] if it is objected that1 a fine was made between the parties' ancestors, and in other [002] similar ways, where by consent of the tenant a descent is made in the writ of right [003] to a jury. 2Conversely, in writs of entry in which at first nothing but a single essoin [004] of difficulty in coming lay, an essoin of bed-sickness sometimes arises by the narratio, [005] because suppose that both demandant and tenant cease to speak of entry [and [006] begin to speak] of the right and the property, from which, as often happens, the [007] grand assise or the duel emerge and3 another form of process, entry being put aside, [008] which rarely occurs except with the consent of the parties; the tenant may essoin [009] himself of difficulty in coming, and immediately thereafter of bed-sickness. 4This [010] arises from the narratio of the right rather than by force of the original writ, and [011] seems at first sight to be contrary to the statement that essoins are to be judged [012] according to original writs and arise from them. To which it may be answered that [013] as long as the original writ stood in its force, only a single essoin followed, but afterwards, [014] [when] by the narratio and the consent of the parties, it no longer continued, [015] changed by the narratio into an action on the right, the matter must proceed as [016] though it had from the beginning proceeded writ of right, and the essoin of bed-sickness [017] arises. [Of the matters discussed here mention is made above [in the portion] [018] on the writ of entry,5 but repeated here that it may be supplemented.]
How essoins of difficulty in coming ought to be enrolled; of service of the lord king.
[020] Because the enrolment of essoins is made in different ways according to the diversity [021] of writs and pleas, for the instruction of the lesser clerks6 something must be [022] said of enrolment. [But because something was said above of the manner of enrolment [023] in the case of those who have set out on a pilgrimage beyond the sea, whether [024] to the Holy Land for a general passage or for a simple pilgrimage, whether this side [025] the sea of the Greeks in a pilgrimage to St. James or elsewhere, there will therefore [026] be no need to repeat here the manner of [enrolling essoins] of such pilgrimages.]7 [027] [If it is an essoin] of the service of the lord king, as follows: A. of N. who is in the [028] service of the lord king beyond (or this side) the sea, [is essoined] against such a [029] one with respect to such a plea by such a one. In this case the plea may be postponed [030] as long as the essoinee is in the service of the lord king, provided that he has [031] his warrant at hand on each day, the lord king's writ.
Of the enrolment of the simple essoin of difficulty in coming.