[001] and not prove, because of the doubtful outcome of the essoin. There is also a messenger [002] who is sometimes sent, or though he is not sent, to speak on behalf of an absent [003] party as for a friend, and announce that an impediment has intervened so that the [004] person summoned cannot come. He is properly called a messenger, not an essoiner, [005] and ought to be heard so announcing up to the fourth day and sometimes beyond, [006] until judgment on the default.1
How often.
[008] How often. It is clear that it may be cast at any time after the essoin of difficulty in [009] coming until languor is awarded him, and he has languor, that is, the year and [010] day, because sometimes after languor awarded, for good reason [and] with the [011] consent of the demandant, licence to rise may be given the essoinee, that he may [012] answer at once, though before the year and day that would not be granted for any [013] reason without the consent of the demandant, and when he so answers and has a [014] day, he may then, after an essoin of difficulty in coming, essoin himself of bed-sickness, [015] because it does not suffice that languor is awarded unless it is completed.2 [016] If there are several parceners holding in common, they may all essoin themselves, if [017] they wish, together and on one day. And if languor is awarded to all in an essoin [018] of bed-sickness, the languor of all will be, so to speak, one languor.3 If several are [019] essoined of bed-sickness, when they are viewed after the essoin languor may be [020] awarded to some and passing illness to others; all who are languid will have a [021] year and a day at the Tower on the day on which the languor is attested, not the [022] others, but they will have a common day since they are not bound to answer without [023] the others. When languor has once been awarded to one or several and attested [024] in court, none of the others will thereafter have an essoin of bed-sickness, except, as [025] was said above, if licence to rise is given, but until the one or the several or all have [026] languor they will always have an essoin of bed-sickness. Also on one and the same [027] day one of several may essoin himself of bed-sickness and his parcener, or several [028] parceners, of difficulty in coming. If those who have essoined themselves of difficulty [029] in coming [wish] to essoin themselves of bed-sickness on the second day, they [030] cannot do so until it is clear whether the first essoinee has passing illness or languor, [031] because if he has languor, and that is established, and another similarly [032] essoined himself of bed-sickness on another day and had languor, there could thus [033] in one plea, at one and the same time, be two