[001] described above. If it is less than fifteen days and there is no reasonable cause, then, [002] when the person summoned appears, the summons is either challenged as unlawful or [003] is not. If it is not challenged, let the suit proceed as though the summons were lawful; [004] if it is challenged and proved unlawful, let another lawful day be given in court, which [005] cannot be denied against the record of the justices.1 If after an unlawful summons the [006] tenant essoins himself or defaults, or proceeds without challenging it, or accepts a [007] love-day, he may not subsequently plead the illegality of the summons.2 One may [008] also answer without a summons if he wishes, nor does he suffer an injuria since he so [009] wishes. No day outside the county ought to be given without an interval of fifteen [010] days, nor by such an interval without an essoin, except with the consent of the parties: [011] in that case let it be done3[as will be explained at the end, of essoins.]45<There are [012] some cases in which the tenant cannot deny the summons, as where he has appointed [013] an attorney before one who has record,6 no matter where, because of the words used [014] in appointing an attorney, [for] when he says I appoint my attorney in the plea which [015] is before such a one (or before you), by that he acknowledges that there has been a [016] summons, for a plea cannot be before anyone unless summons has been made, for if he [017] had said in the plea which will be etc. he would never be permitted to appoint an [018] attorney. And though a demandant may appoint an attorney immediately after the [019] impetration of the writ, a tenant may never do so de jure before the plea is before his [020] proper judge by summons. Nor will the justice have power as to anything before the [021] plea is before him by summons. Hence if he says I have appointed an attorney, it is [022] the same as confessing the summons, so to speak, [since] if it is done before the summons [023] it will be without effect.>
Of the manner of proceeding after the summons.
[025] On the day of summons, whether the summons is lawful or not, the person summoned [026] either appears or essoins himself or defaults. If he appears, he either denies the summons, [027] or acknowledges that it is lawful, in which case let him answer at once, if the [028] sheriff has sent the writ. If he has not, the tenant will withdraw quit and let the demandant [029] claim by another writ.7 If the writ has come, then, after the demandant's [030] intentio has been put forward, let the tenant answer it, or except against the writ or [031] seek the view. If the summons is challenged as unreasonable,8 let him be given a [032] reasonable day on which let him come prepared to answer. If he denies [the summons] [033] completely, then, whether he was summoned or not,