[003] Having completed the tractate on assises and recognitions provided on the possessory [004] right for the recovery of seisin, one's own or [that] of an ancestor [holding] as of fee, [005] and also the tractate on pleas of entry, we must [now] deal with the plea on the right [006] and the property, [for the recovery] of one's own seisin or that of some ancestor of a [007] tenement or a right of which the ancestor did not die seised as of fee, where both [008] rights, of possession and property, are brought to judgment and determined at the [009] same time, as will be explained below where the reason why will be given. The plea of [010] right takes last place in the order of pleas, because he who once loses in this plea, [011] whether by judgment, the grand assise or the duel, will never have recourse to another [012] action, because the exception of res judicata will bar him forever. The judgment [013] rendered will be this, that the demandant recover his seisin to himself and his heirs [014] quit of such a one, the aforesaid tenant and his heirs for ever. By judgment, I say, [015] because it is otherwise if it is by default, the distinction being sometimes made1[as [016] below, of defaults.]2 If one once sues by this writ of right, in any way whatever, as [017] was said above, [that is], if it is impetrated in a case in which it is applicable,3 he will [018] never afterward have recourse to an action on the possession, especially since the plea [019] by writ of right includes both rights, possession as well as property, as was said a little [020] above. Since the forms of writs of right are many, let us examine the formulae; first [021] those which are sometimes determined in the courts of lords, of which this is the first.
Of the form of writs.
[023] 4The king to N., greeting. We order you without delay you do full right to such a one [024] with respect to so much land with the appurtenances in such a vill which he claims to [025] hold of you by the free service of so much a year for all service, and of which such a [026] one deforces him. And if you do not do so, the sheriff shall, lest