[001] with the appurtenances in such a vill, which C. in our court etc. claims as his right [002] against the aforesaid B., and if the same B. had no other entry in that land with the [003] appurtenances other than by intruding himself in that land after the death of the [004] aforesaid A. his father, to whom the aforesaid C. demised it for a term that has passed, [005] as is said, because both the aforesaid C. etc. Let these suffice by way of example, because [006] entries are infinite and the forms of writs infinite, and the forms of inquests are [007] varied in many ways and very often, according to the differences in writs and answers, [008] of all of which, since they are infinite, mention cannot be made.
Writ: if by a wife who had nothing except dower etc.
[010] If a wife aliens her dower and it is said in the writ of entry in which such a one has no [011] entry except through such a one, who was the wife of such a one, who demised that [012] land to him, and who had nothing except dower therein by the gift of such a one her [013] husband, after whose death the land ought to revert to such a one as to the warrantor [014] of her dower,1 if the tenant denies the entry through the wife and says that he has no [015] entry through her but through such a one, the ancestor of the demandant, whose heir [016] he is, who gave him that land by his charter, which he produces and which so testifies, [017] if the replication is made by the other party that the charter ought not to be effective [018] since it was made while the donor was of unsound mind, let it then be done as above,2 [019] because in a way he acknowledges the charter and gift, though it is invalid and to be [020] nullified by law. If the charter is denied completely, or it is said that it ought not to be [021] valid because he who is alleged to have given had no seisin of any kind, let the demandant [022] then prove his allegation, if he can. But credit is not to be given to his simple [023] assertion unless he has sufficient proof,3[unless [one says] that credit is to be given [024] him and his simple assertion with an examination of the reason.]4 If he has, let the [025] tenant put himself on a jury by these words.5 But we must see whether he who gave [026] was the heir and warrantor of the woman's dower or a stranger, for if he was not, the [027] gift would not be good, but if he was it may be. For the heir may give what is his, that [028] is, the proprietas, the right and the fee, and attorn the service to the donee so that the [029] wife-tenant may have a free tenement as long as she lives. If she withdraws during [030] her lifetime and renders her seisin to the donee, he does not therefore have his entry [031] through her, but through the heir, though it would be otherwise if the gift were made [032] only by the wife. For that reason let it be said