That the formal order of attachments is not observed everywhere or in every case.
[002] As was briefly said a little above, the formal order of attachments need not always [003] be observed in personal actions, sometimes because of the privilege and favour of [004] crusaders, whose affairs call for thorough and immediate consideration. Similarly [005] because of the privilege and favour of merchants.1 [Or] because of necessity,2 as in [006] the assise of darrein presentment, or quare impedit or quare non permittit, because of [007] the lapse of six months, and the like.3 [Or] because of the thing itself, which would [008] perish after a time, as ripe fruits and the like. Also in the actio injuriarum, because of [009] the enormity of the wrong which is grievous and against the peace of the lord king.4 [010] [Or] because of the person against whom the wrong was done, as where it is the lord [011] king or the queen or their children, their brothers or sisters, or their near kinsmen,5 [012] in which cases, and others like them, let the sheriff be ordered at once to have the [013] bodies of such persons to answer to such, as may be drawn from what was said before [014] [by way of] example. The same thing ought to be done if some action is incidental to [015] the principal action, where, though the order of attachments is observed in the principal [016] action, it must not be in the incidental, as where a bishop or other ordinary is to [017] be summoned as to why he did not have a clerk etc.6 In all these cases, when the sheriff [018] is ordered to have the bodies of such persons on the first day, if on such7 day they are [019] absent outside the county and are not in the county, city or vill, no mention can be [020] made at the end of the writ, as in the usual course of attachments, of this clause, [021] namely. And to hear his judgment for his several defaults, since there has been no [022] earlier default, but in place of that clause let the reason why the delay and formality [023] of attachments is abrogated be added in each writ. Let the writ be drawn thus:
If the defendant ought to come at once because of the plaintiff's privilege.
[025] The king to the sheriff, greeting. We order you, every hindrance and delay being [026] put aside because of the privilege and favour shown to crusaders (or merchants) [027] whose plea calls for immediate action, to have the body of such a one before our [028] justices on such a day to answer to such a crusader (or merchant) with respect to [029] the plea why etc. (or that he restore to him etc. according to the form of the original [030] writ). And at the end let there be added some