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[001] [in the roll] of Hilary and Easter terms in the fourth year of king Henry at the beginning,
[002] for there it is said that as the manor was given to his ancestors, in demesne
[003] and service etc., so he claims it.1 If the tenant says that he does not hold all the land
[004] because it is common and partible among co-heir parceners, and if this is denied, an
[005] inquest may be taken thereon, whether it is so or not, as above [in the portion] on
[006] parceners.2 Similarly [in the roll] of Michaelmas term in the sixteenth and the beginning
[007] of the seventeenth years of king Henry, at the end of the roll.3 If the demandant
[008] claims more than the tenant holds, as where he claims twenty-four acres when the
[009] tenant holds only twenty,4 let an inquest be taken by this writ: the writ either stands
[010] or falls.

Inquest whether he does or does not hold the whole.

[012] ‘The king to the sheriff, greeting. We order you to take to yourself four (or ‘six’ or
[013] more) lawful men of those who made the view of the land which such a one claims
[014] against such a one and to diligently enquire by them and other lawful men whether
[015] the aforesaid tenant holds twenty-four acres of land as a whole, which such a one
[016] claims against him, or not, as to which the same tenant said that he held only twenty
[017] acres and that the demandant held four acres thereof and send that inquest to us etc.
[018] Witness etc.’ On this matter may be found [in the roll] of Hilary term in the fifth year
[019] of king Henry in the county of York, [the case] of Peter de Mauley.5 If the tenant says
[020] in his exception that he holds nothing, [but another holds], though at another time
[021] in the county court he [the other] denied6 that he held the whole and acknowledged
[022] [that he held] for a term and in no other way of the tenant against whom it is now
[023] claimed, and the tenant7 denies this, let an inquest be made by this writ.

If the tenant says that he held nothing and at another time has acknowledged that he held it all.

[025] ‘The king to the sheriff, greeting. We order you to cause a record to be made in your
[026] full county court of a plea which was in your county court between such persons with
[027] respect to so much land etc., as to which such a one against whom etc. replied that he
[028] held that land only for a term and at the will of such a one and claimed no right in it.
[029] And have that record etc. by four etc. Witness etc.’ The same day was given to the
[030] parties. On this matter may be found [in the roll] of


1. Perhaps B.N.B., no. 1436; C.R.R., ix, 132 (Trin. 4)

2. Supra 332

3. Perhaps B.N.B., no. 881; C.R.R., xiv, no. 2344

4. Om: ‘aut stat . . . cadit et’

5. C.R.R., x, 47 (Easter 5): not in B.N.B.

6. ‘dedixit,’ see n. 44 opposite

7. ‘tenens’

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Page last reviewed April 2003.
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