[001] himself to religion and so is civilly dead, it must be established by the bishop's letters [002] whether he may return to the world or not, according as he has assumed the habit of [003] probation or profession. On this matter may be found [in the roll] of Trinity term in [004] the fourth year of king Henry in the county of Somerset,1 [the case] of John de [005] Briwes.2 Suppose that the parcener is in prison so that he cannot come, [or] is incapacitated [006] by an infirmity, or has been captured by enemies; he must be named [007] nevertheless, and when named the case must stand over until he is able to come. But [008] if a named parcener is imprisoned for felony for which he is in danger of losing life3 [009] or members, let the plea remain without a day until it is known whether he is delivered [010] or condemned, as in the eyre of William of Ralegh in the county of Bedford, [the [011] case] of Juliana de Noers.4 The plea is suspended, and the writ, if one of the parceners [012] is under age, until he comes of age.
If a parcener is deaf or dumb.
[014] But what shall we say or a parcener who has been born deaf and dumb?5 It is evident [015] that he must always be regarded as one who is neither an heir nor a parcener. Therefore [016] whether he is named or not, neither the action nor the writ falls; it is good, both [017] as to the demandant and the tenant, as against all the others. But if the deafness [018] arises from an accident or if he is dumb and deafness does not ensue, a period of time [019] must be awaited if there is hope of recovery. As to one conjoined, and the consent of [020] a superior, what ought to be done in the person of the tenant may be drawn from what [021] has been said above as to the person of the demandant. [And note that though some [022] are named who are heirs but are incapable of inheriting, or are complete strangers, [023] the writ does not fall on that account, but will stand in the persons of the others who [024] have right, because in this case the useful is not vitiated by the useless. Note also that [025] several parceners may claim to hold in common of several who hold separately and [026] are in no way connected; there will then be several actions because of the several persons. [027] Conversely, several who are not parceners, whose rights are separate, may claim [028] against several co-heir parceners; there will here also be several different actions.