[001] without day because the aforesaid B. had set out to parts beyond seas in our service [002] by our order. From the instances that have been given example may be taken as to [003] how resummonses ought to be made in similar cases.
If there ought to be a general resummons to the Bench.
[005] If there ought to be a general1 resummons to the Bench, because all pleas of the [006] Bench were put without day because of an eyre of the justices in various counties, let [007] the resummons in the various counties be made in this form.
Writ to the sheriff that he cause it to be proclaimed.
[009] The king to the sheriff, greeting. We order you without delay to proclaim in your [010] county and throughout your county, in the hundreds and markets and in all parts of [011] your county, that all the pleas, which by our writ (or the order of our justices of the [012] Bench) were adjourned at Westminster within the octaves of St. Hilary last past and [013] Easter next following and which, by our order, were put without day on the occasion [014] of such an eyre (or on the occasion of our army in Wales or for some other reason) [015] be before our justices at Westminster at2 such a term, in the same state in which they [016] were when they remained without day by our order for the reason aforesaid, both [017] with regard to the casting or the non-casting of essoins as well as all other matters [018] connected with the same pleas. Let other pleas which by our order (or the order of [019] our aforesaid justices itinerant) were put after a certain date, at such a term at such [020] a place, be brought there and held as they were there put. And have there this writ [021] and all the other writs which you have in your possession pertaining to the aforesaid [022] pleas. Witness etc.
Exception arising from the person of the demandant because of leprosy.
[024] A dilatory exception arising from the person of the demandant also lies for the tenant [025] because he is separated from the communion of mankind, because of leprosy in his [026] soul, as where he has been expressly excommunicated, because as one may have [027] leprosy in his body, so may he in his soul.34<For a voice from the grave ought to be [028] silenced rather than heard,5 nor is only their voice interdicted, but if anything is [029] impetrated by them it will not be effectual.