[001] neither by the demandant nor the tenant: not by the demandant, since he chooses [002] that jurisdiction and that judge; not by the tenant, because he could in this way [003] protract the cause from judge to judge ad infinitum, until it reached the pope, who [004] could thus indirectly take cognisance of a lay fee.1 Also because the enquiry proceeds [005] equally well whether the tenant is absent or present. But from a judge delegate or an [006] official he may appeal,2 if they are alleged to have erred or acted collusively, to the [007] bishop or other ordinary, because the ordinary may correct the error of such persons [008] and revoke their judgment, though not his own, except with difficulty. When the [009] enquiry has been made, as said above, and when the party who sues comes to court [010] with the inquest, let the plea which remained sine die be at once resummoned: let the [011] tenant be summoned by this writ.
When the inquest has been made let the plea be at once resummoned by this writ.
[013] The king to the sheriff, greeting. Summon B. the tenant by good summoners to be [014] before our justices at such a place to hear the record and his judgment with respect [015] to the plea which was in our same court before etc. between A. the demandant and [016] the same B. the tenant, with respect to so much land with the appurtenances in such [017] a vill, which the same A. in our same court claimed as his right against the same B. [018] and as to which the same B. said that the aforesaid A. had no right in that land since [019] he was a bastard, because his father never married his mother (or for some other such [020] reason) and as to which an inquest of bastardy was transmitted to court christian. [021] And have there the summoners and this writ. Witness etc.3
On the day of the summons he who is summoned may be essoined, if he wishes.
[023] On the first day of the resummons both the demandant and tenant may essoin themselves [024] if they wish, at the same time or in turn, until they have [a single] essoin. If [025] on the first day, or after an essoin, the tenant defaults after the resummons, when he [026] has been anticipated by the summons, as soon as the summons is attested, let land [027] be taken at once into the hand of the lord king by the little cape because of the [028] default, and let him be summoned to be present on another day to hear his judgment. [029] On which day, whether he comes or not, he will lose his seisin by default, whether