[001] have put themselves on that jury thereon. And cause the result of that inquest to be [002] made known to our justices at Westminster at such a term, clearly, distinctly and [003] openly by your letters sealed with your seal and those of the aforesaid keepers of the [004] pleas of our crown, and by two (or four) of those by whose oath you make that inquest. [005] And have there this writ and the names of those by whose oath you made that [006] inquest. Thus by the affirmation of the demandant and the denial of the tenant and [007] an investigation made by the country as to the truth,1 either the tenant will remain in [008] seisin until the demandant sues by writ or right, or the demandant will recover his [009] seisin by the inquest. If the inquest ought not to be taken in the county but before the [010] justices, let the writ be in this form:
Writ if the jurors ought to come before the justices.
[012] The king to the sheriff, greeting: We order you to cause twelve etc. to come before us [013] (or before our justices at Westminster) to recognize etc. if etc. because both etc. In [014] the meantime let them see that land, and let them so certify themselves thereof that [015] they may more fully certify us or our aforesaid justices at the aforesaid term. And [016] have there the names of the recognitors and this writ. Witness etc.
If the tenant wishes to except.
[018] 2We have described above [what happens] when the demandant simply puts forward [019] his intentio and the tenant does not wish to except against it but simply puts himself [020] on a jury as to the entry. Now we must explain the procedure when the tenant wishes [021] to except against the intentio. It is necessary, first of all, that the demandant lay a [022] foundation for his intentio, that is, show that he is entitled to the action, that he, or [023] one of his ancestors whose heir he is, transferred for a term. Nor does it suffice if he [024] shows that the thing was so transferred by him or his ancestors, unless he shows that [025] the tenant has such entry and by the persons he names. Nor does it suffice to so put [026] forward and support his intentio unless he proves it, since no trust is to be put in one's [027] simple assertion.3
When the parties appear in court.
[029] The parties having appeared in court, the demandant either has proof or he does not, [030] or has nothing except suit which only raises a presumption and which does not suffice [031] for proof because it admits of denial by wager of law.