[001] essoinable, and that by their oath you enquire diligently whether the said C.1 etc. (as [002] above) since both the said D. and the said E. have put themselves upon that jury. [003] And transmit to our justices etc. at such a term the inquest which you make thereon, [004] plainly, clearly and openly, by your letters sealed with your seal and the seals of the [005] aforesaid keepers of the pleas of our crown, and by four (or two) lawful and prudent [006] men from among those by whose oath you make that inquest. And have there this [007] writ and the names of those by whose oath you made that inquest. Witness etc.
If the witnesses are resident in divers counties.
[009] If in fact the witnesses are resident in divers counties they must all come together [010] before the sheriff to whom the holding of the inquest is entrusted. Then let an interlaced [011] writ, as above,2 issue in this form: The king to the sheriff of Essex, greeting. We [012] order you to cause to come before you and the keepers of the pleas of our crown at a [013] certain day and place, as you think most expedient [and] when you can attend to the [014] matter, A., B. and C., witnesses named in a charter under E.'s name which D. produces [015] in our court before our justices etc., and in addition eight (or twelve), knights [016] as well as other free and lawful men [of your county] and to enquire diligently, by [017] their oath and by the oath of F. and G., witnesses named in the same charter from the [018] county of Sussex, and likewise by that of twelve, knights as well as others etc. of the [019] same county, whom our sheriff of Sussex will cause to come before you, and also by the [020] oath of H. and I., witnesses named in the same charter from the county of Surrey, and [021] likewise by that of eight, knights as well as others etc. from the same county, whom [022] our sheriff of Surrey will cause to come before you, whether the said E. etc. (as above). [023] And make known to [our justices] the inquest you make thereon etc. (as above). We [024] have ordered our aforesaid sheriffs of Sussex and Surrey to cause the said witnesses [025] and recognitors to come before you at a day and place which you will make known to [026] them. And have there this writ and the names of those etc. (as above). The writ [027] which follows this writ will be drawn as follows.
If in the county court: an interlaced writ.
[029] The king to the sheriff of Sussex (or Surrey), greeting. We order you,