[001] the word term [in the phrase term] which has passed is taken broadly, both for a [002] term of life and a term of years. It is clear that he who demises for a term of years, [003] though a very long one, provided it may be proved by the testimony of one who saw [004] and heard, retains dominium, proprietas, the fee and the free tenement, if he had them [005] all at the outset, or those of them that he then had. For he transfers nothing to the [006] farmer except the right to use and enjoy, that is, to have the use and take the fruits.1 [007] Hence the owner may well transfer everything he retained to another, without wrong [008] to the termor; if he does not, he transfers them all to his heirs. Note that the words [009] for a term that has passed are general and may determine many special cases, for [010] what is not said in the writ may be supplied in the narratio. Since it is general, let us [011] first speak of that. The form of the writ is this:
Writ if one demises for a term that has passed.
[013] The king to the sheriff, greeting. Order A. rightfully and without delay to return to [014] B. so much land with the appurtenances in such a vill which the same B. demised to [015] him for a term that has passed, as he says. If he does not do so, and if the same B. has [016] made you secure with respect to prosecuting his claim, summon the aforesaid A. by [017] good summoners to be before our justices at their first session when they come into [018] those parts, to show why he has not done so. And have there the summoners and this [019] writ. Witness etc. How the tenant ought to be summoned, and if he does not appear [020] after summons, how the default ought to be punished, will be explained more fully [021] below [of real actions.] He may essoin himself, if he wishes, of difficulty in coming, [022] not of bed-sickness, because the essoin of bed-sickness never lies unless the writ of [023] entry is turned into a writ of right by the narratio, because of a very distant entry [024] which cannot be proved by a witness's own sight and hearing, only by that of another, [025] where of necessity the suit must be on the mere right by the grand assise or the duel.2 [026] When the writ of entry begins to be of a nature other than it was at the beginning, that [027] is, to have that of a writ of right, it ought properly to have everything that belongs to [028] the writ whose nature it follows in the narratio. Conversely, if by the narratio a writ of [029] right is turned into a writ of entry, it ceases to have the nature of a writ of right and [030] thus it will lose the essoin of bed-sickness, for the reason aforesaid.3 But if, though the [031] writ of right begins to be a writ of entry by the narratio, and the demandant puts forward [032] his intentio,4