[001] has been made. And have there this writ and the names of those by whose oaths you [002] make that extent and valuation. Witness etc. After the value has been established by [003] the extent, let the sheriff of the county where the warrantor has land then first be [004] ordered to seize land to the value into the lord king's hand by this writ:
Writ for taking land because of default.
[006] The king to the sheriff, greeting. Because of his default seize into our hand by the [007] view etc. from the land of such a one [C.] land to the value of a hundred shillings worth [008] of land for the one carucate of land with the appurtenances in such a vill in such a [009] county which such a one [A.] in our court etc. claims as his right against such a one [010] [B.] vouched such a one etc., And the day etc. And summon him to be present on such [011] a day etc. Witness etc. 1<Sometimes the land claimed may be valued without such [012] inquest, solely on the demandant's assertion, and land to the value seized in the other [013] county. 2If the tenant prevails it will not be necessary to proceed further; if he loses, [014] let the sheriff then proceed to a real inquest, which was not necessary earlier, as [in [015] the roll] of Easter term in the fourteenth year of king Henry.>3
If a warrantor is vouched with respect to an advowson let land be seized to the value, and let the advowson be valued in order to ascertain how much ought to be taken.
[017] When an advowson is sought and the tenant vouches a warrantor who defaults, let [018] land to the value be seized into the lord king's hand from the warrantor's land, [019] whether the warrantor is resident in the same county or another. But since how much [020] of the warrantor's land ought be taken will be uncertain less the value of the advowson [021] is first established, the church must first be valued in order to ascertain how much [022] the advowson is worth. [As] in making partitions between co-heirs, the valuation of [023] advowsons ought to be made thus: if the church is worth twenty marks more or less, [024] in making the valuation let a rent of twelve pence be reckoned for each mark, thus [025] for twenty marks, twenty shillings. When the valuation has thus been made, let land [026] to the value be taken for the warrantor's default by this writ.
Seize so much land from the inheritance of such a one.
[028] The king to the sheriff, greeting. Because of her default seize into our hand by the [029] view etc. from the land of such a woman in your bailiwick which is of her inheritance [030] (since she may have other land as well as her inheritance, as in dower) [land] with the [031] appurtenances to the value of twenty shillings of rent for the advowson of such a [032] church which A. in our court etc.