[001] the demandant and the minor who warranted the tenant will remain without day, [002] until the warrantor comes of age, as is proved [in the roll] of the eyre of the abbot of [003] Reading and Martin of Pateshull in the county of Warwick, [the case] of Giles de [004] Erdington, who was summoned to warrant William of Norfolk,1 [where] because [005] Giles's father died seised of that William's service, Giles warranted it to William, and [006] after [he warranted] the principal plea remained without day against the demandant [007] until Giles's full age. Thus a minor within age will warrant his feoffee-tenant against [008] the demandant because of his ancestor's seisin of service which he received from his [009] feoffee in the year and on the day he died.2 But if the ancestor was not seised in the [010] year and on the day etc. the minor within age will answer neither to the warranty nor [011] to the principal plea.
A minor is sometimes vouched to warranty without the production of a charter.
[013] [In some circumstances a minor may be vouched to warranty and be summoned [014] without the production of a charter, if being under age he is vouched to warranty by [015] his tenant by reason of a tenement of which the minor was enfeoffed within age, for [016] there he will answer in both pleas, the warranty and the principal plea. Thus when a [017] minor is so vouched to warranty we must enquire whether the tenement by reason of [018] which he is vouched is a descending inheritance or an acquisition.] And what is said [019] of service may be said of homage,
By homage taken the lord who took the homage is bound to warrant.3
[021] for suppose that a tenant has no charter, or though he has, does not have it at hand, [022] whether the feoffment is recent or ancient, as from the Conquest, a time from which [023] charters are rarely produced; if homage has been taken and can be proved, the chief [024] lord will warrant without a charter. If he says that he is not bound to warrant without [025] a charter, he may thus be answered by the tenant: You are bound to warrant me the [026] land claimed because I am your man thereof and you have taken my homage therefrom [027] and are in seisin of my service, and my father and his ancestors were the men of [028] your ancestors. In proof whereof let him produce sufficient suit, [prepared to deraign] [029] by word of mouth, or one who is prepared if necessary to deraign by his body. If the [030] vouchee