If view of common of pasture is claimed in a writ of right quo iure.
[002] We order you without delay to cause A. to have the view of the common of pasture [003] in such a vill which B. of N. claims as appurtenant to his free tenement in the same [004] vill (or in another) against the same A., as to which the same B. was summoned in [005] our same court to show by what right he claims such common in the land of the [006] said A. in as much as he has no common in the land of the said B., nor does the said [007] B. do him any service by which he ought to have common therein. And instruct [008] etc.1 Or thus the view of the common of pasture in such a vill which B. claims [009] against the same A. in our court before our justices as appurtenant to his free [010] tenement in the same vill (or in another) as to which the said A. says that the aforesaid [011] B. ought not to have common there since the said A.2 has no common in the [012] land of the said [B.] nor does the said [B.] do him service for which he ought to have [013] common. And instruct etc.3 Writs of view are always to be formed according to the [014] form of the original writs.
[In] quo warranto with respect to the lands of the Normans. [016] If the view ought to be made in a writ of quo warranto, [by what warrant] one [017] holds land which ought to be the escheat of the lord king,4 then thus: the view of [018] so much land with the appurtenances in such a vill as to which such a one was summoned [019] to show by what warrant he holds so much land with the appurtenances in [020] such a vill which we claim against him in our court as our escheat from the lands [021] of the Normans.
On the day given, after the view had, let the essoins begin again.
[023] On another day, after the view granted and made, let the parties begin all their [024] essoins again, if they wish, the demandant as well as the tenant. Whether they come [025] or do not, the sheriff ought to tell the four knights who were present at the view to [026] be present on the day given to attest the view. On that day, whether the parties [027] come or essoin themselves, once the view is attested, it will always be established [028] by their record. If an essoin has been cast let mention always be made on the essoin [029] that the view was attested. If it is not attested and the tenant comes on his day and [030] wishes to show that he has not had the view, he will have another day, (unless the [031] demandant can show the contrary) under risk of a wager.5