[001] B. with respect to a plea of land in your county (or in such another county) is [002] languor or not. If it is languor, let them then set him a day, a year and day from [003] the day of his view, that he then be present at the next county court. If he recovers [004] before the view is attested, the county court may well give the essoinee licence to [005] rise, in accordance with the rule in the court of the lord king. If the county court [006] denies it, on the complaint of the essoinee the lord king may give licence to rise on [007] the default of the county court. And so if the plea is in the court of a baron or [008] another who has a court, the lord king may give licence to rise on the default of the [009] court by this writ. [The form of the writ above where licence to rise is sought [which] [010] begins thus: It has been shown us.]1 And finally note that if the essoinee does not [011] come on the day given him by the viewers, he may be excused from default because [012] of accidents and lawful intervening impediments, if they are proved, as was touched [013] upon briefly above2 and will be explained more fully below, [of defaults.]3
Of the essoin of vill-sickness.
[015] There is also among other essoins an essoin, abnormal because it does not follow [016] the rule of other essoins, called the essoin of vill-sickness, where one appears in [017] court on the first day and offers himself, then withdraws on the same day without [018] giving an answer. If, because of the onset of some illness, he cannot move himself [019] from the place where he is lodged and received and come to court, he ought to send [020] two essoiners, who in truth cannot be called essoiners because they do not receive [021] a day, but messengers and excusers, and let them announce4 publicly in court that [022] he is so detained by such infirmity in the same vill, or in another where he spent [023] the night, that he cannot come to court, neither to gain nor lose, and then retire. On [024] the second day let him send two, other than the first two. And so on the third day, [025] but a different two from the first, and thus he is excused up to the fourth day. On [026] the fourth day let four knights, if such are found in court or in the vill, be sent to the [027] infirm person by the justices to hear whom he wishes to attorn in his place to gain [028] or lose in the plea between him and the demandant. And if they find him there, [029] they will take an attorney if he cannot come personally. If he is not found in that [030] vill, and that is attested by the four knights, the tenant will be in default as though [031] he were essoined of bed-sickness. But this essoin does not lie for everyone nor in [032] every place.