[001] of bed-sickness, provided that an essoin of difficulty in coming has come first, and [002] so and in the same way, as said above, until all together, or some or one alone has [003] languor. After the essoin returned and the day certain (if it is passing illness) [004] accepted, the demandant ought at once and without delay to cause a writ .for [005] viewing the essoinee1 to issue to the sheriff.2
Of the duty of the sheriff when he has received the writ.
[007] The duty of the sheriff, when he receives the writ in the county court, is to send [008] four lawful knights at once to view the essoinee. He ought to take for this purpose [009] knights who are present and not summon knights who are absent, because of the [010] words of the writ: Send four [of your county].3 It does not suffice if he sends serjeants, [011] for they ought to be knights, because of the words of the writ: Send [012] knights. It does not suffice to send three, because of the words of the writ: Send [013] four, and because where a fixed number is specified, namely four, two or three are [014] not sufficient.4 Nor does it suffice if two or three assume companions to make up the [015] four, because they ought not to view or testify unless they are sent. Of his county, [016] is said5 for this reason, because if he wished to send others he would not have coercion. [017] It is said to such a place, because if the essoinee should not be found in the [018] place named in the essoin he could thus be in default, [and so] if he had not kept [019] himself in languor in the proper way. It is also said to see whether the infirmity [020] etc. For they must view his body and inquire diligently as to the kind of infirmity [021] and the circumstances, and accordingly award passing illness or languor, (and [022] give the reason therefor if they are asked,) and give him a day certain in court or [023] at the Tower of London. It is given at the Tower because it is a place certain, where [024] the constable ought always to be present, who ought to attest the day of their [025] appearance and arrival, and because the justices are not always resident in the [026] Bench continuously throughout the year. When a day is thus given the parties at [027] the Tower, after the year and day it does not suffice if the parties, neglecting that [028] place, come before the justices at Westminster, if they are then resident there, because [029] it is one thing to give a day at the Tower and another to give it at Westminster [030] in the Bench. Thus when they have had a day at the Tower, they ought to [031] receive a day in the Bench from the constable at the Tower, if the justices are then [032] resident in the Bench, or if they are not, when they next come, unless they are then [033] itinerant in the county,6 because then a day will be given there,