[002] 1The king to the sheriff, greeting. Such a one has complained to us that such a [003] one disseised him wrongfully and without judgment of his free tenement in such a [004] vill after the last return of the lord king from Brittany to England. Therefore we order [005] you, if he has made you secure with respect to the prosecution of his claim, to cause [006] that tenement to be reseised of the chattels which were taken in it and to cause the [007] tenement and the chattels to be in peace until the first session when our justices come [008] into those parts. In the meantime cause twelve free and lawful men of that neighbourhood [009] to view the tenement and cause their names to be written down. And summon [010] them by good summoners to be at the aforesaid session before the aforesaid our [011] justices prepared to make a recognition thereof. And put by gage and safe pledges [012] the aforesaid, [the disseisor], or his bailiff if he has not been found, that he be there [013] at that time to hear that recognition. And have there the summoners, the names of [014] the pledges and this writ. Witness etc. Impetration having been made in this way, [015] let the writ, as was said above, be delivered to the sheriff at once and without delay,2 [016] lest the thing originally made litigious by diligent impetration become non-litigious [017] by negligent prosecution.
The duty of the sheriff when he receives the writ.
[019] The duty of the sheriff is this: at the outset to take pledges for prosecuting from the [020] plaintiff, whether there is one plaintiff or several, unless they have found pledges in [021] the court of the lord king or pledge their faith because of their poverty, as the writ [022] will state. From a single plaintiff let him take two pledges at least, persons sufficient [023] to pay the amercement due the lord king if the plaintiff retracts or does not proceed: [024] persons sufficient to pay the amercement, that it may not be necessary for him to [025] answer as to the amercement for them. If a husband and wife are plaintiffs, it [026] suffices if the two find two sufficient pledges, because of their unitary right and [027] because they are one body though different souls, and [thus] there will be but one [028] amercement if one or both retract or do not sue, because the default of one redounds [029] to both. The same will be true as is evident, of several suing in common on one disseisin [030] and injuria, since they are, so to speak, one body, and therefore a single security, by [031] two pledges, suffices, according to some, because if one should be embarrassed by [032] the burden of sureties3 he would be compelled