[001] men, rents, houses, woods or gardens which she holds in dower of the inheritance of [002] such a one in such a vill to his disinheritance, lest we hear further complaint thereof [003] etc. Witness etc. And let him sue the writ in good time, lest by his negligence he [004] incur damage, for it is better to oppose in time etc.1 If she does not then desist, [005] she must be attached by this writ.
If she does not desist from committing waste, then let a writ for attaching the woman issue in this form.
[007] The king to the sheriff, greeting. If such a one has made you secure with respect to [008] prosecuting his claim, then put such a one by gage and safe pledges etc. to be before [009] us or before our justices on such a day at such a place to show why she committed [010] waste, sale and exile of the lands, men, rents, houses, woods or gardens which she [011] holds in dower of the inheritance of such a one in such a vill, contrary to our prohibition. [012] And have there the names of the pledges and this writ. Witness etc. If [013] on the other day she does not appear, let the series of attachments be observed until [014] she does come,2 provided that she may, if she wishes, have a single essoin of difficulty [015] in coming after the first attachment.
When, after delays, she appears.
[017] When after the delays she appears, let the plaintiff put forward his intentio in this [018] way. Such a one (a kinsman or friend) complains that though such a woman holds [019] so much land in such a vill in the name of dower, she committed such waste and such [020] destruction, [namely], that she sold such lands or villeins, has thrown down so many [021] houses and sold so much timber, [and] uprooted the garden in the aforesaid land [022] to the disinheritance of such a one, the heir, to the value of so much. And let him [023] produce suit.
She may answer the plaint in this way.
[025] To this the woman may answer in many ways, thus: And such a one comes and [026] denies waste, sale, and exile against such a one and his suit. And that she sold nothing [027] therefrom, nor did anything to the disinheritance of the aforesaid heir. [Or] she [028] may acknowledge that if houses have fallen in on account of age, she built better [029] ones there, or if she took something from the wood, she took no more than her [030] rightful estovers for burning, fencing, and building within the land she holds in the [031] name of dower, not outside it. And that she took nothing more, nor in any other [032] way, she may put herself on an inquest of the country, though some say that she
1. C. 3.27.1: Melius enim est occurrere in tempore quam post exitum vindicare; infra iv, 280