[001] men of your county land to the value of so much land with the appurtenances in such [002] a vill which A. who was the wife of B. claims in our court etc. as her dower against [003] C., as to which the same C. in our court etc. vouched him to warranty against the [004] aforesaid A.1 And the day of seizure etc. (as above). And summon etc. the aforesaid [005] vouchee to appear on such a day etc. (as above). Witness etc.2 If he does not appear [006] on that day, the woman will recover her seisin and the tenant escambium from the [007] land of the warrantor. If he does appear but cannot cure his default, he will lose in [008] like manner. But if when he comes he warrants at once, let the plea thereafter proceed [009] between the warrantor and the woman demandant, and let the tenant remain at [010] home with his seisin until the principal plea is settled. Depending upon the result [011] there reached, the tenant will retain or lose. If [the warrantor] has no valid reason [012] for resisting, he will of necessity have to recognize that the land claimed is the woman's [013] dower, and if she was specifically endowed he who lost will be required to [014] deliver it out of the tenant's hand (no matter in whose fee it lies) and the tenant will [015] have escambium to the value.3 But if it is not specified dower, then let the tenant [016] hold in peace and the woman will have to the value from the land of the warrantor, [017] whether he is the heir or another. If there is disagreement as to whether the dower [018] was specified or not, let an inquest be taken and judgment given in accordance with [019] its finding. [It is clear that only rarely is age awaited in a claim of dower. Hence if an [020] heir within age is vouched to warranty, and it can be established by the production [021] of charters or in some other way that he against whom dower is claimed was enfeoffed [022] by the ancestors of the minor, let judgment proceed forthwith, notwithstanding his [023] age, just as it would proceed against one of full age, whether the woman was specifically [024] endowed or not.] When the woman has recovered, let a writ de seisina habenda [025] be drawn for her in this form, for a specified4 dower.
A writ for giving seisin to a woman when she has recovered dower.
[027] Henry by the grace of God etc. Know that when in our court etc. A. who was the [028] wife of B. claimed against C. so much land with the appurtenances in such a vill as [029] her specified dower, the same C. came into the same court and vouched D. to warranty, [030] the son and heir of the aforesaid B. the husband of the same A., who is under [031] age, who came and warranted him and showed no reason why she ought not to have [032] her dower. Hence it was decided in our same court that the aforesaid A. should [033] recover her seisin of the aforesaid land with the appurtenances, as her specified dower, [034] against the same C.5 and that the aforesaid C. have land to the value from that of [035] the same D. And therefore we order you