[001] as was done coram ipso rege in the presence of Stephen of Segrave at Woodstock, in a [002] jury of twenty-four to convict twelve in the county of Berkshire, [a case] between [003] Geoffry de Mandeville and Adam de Bono Fossato, where the conviction was first [004] taken at windsor before Engelard de Cygony and his fellows.1 A remedy may sometimes [005] be secured after a conviction after the manner of a certification, because of the [006] inadequate examination of the justices in the conviction, as was said above, as where [007] a jury of twenty-four has spoken ambiguously or obscurely or in different ways. In [008] that case they may be summoned to certify with respect to the oath they took, [009] as in any other assise.2 But we must first see how jurors are to be summoned to [010] certify in assises generally, and then in juries of twenty four to convict [twelve]. [011] The form of writ for summoning jurors in assises to certify is this.
Writ when the assise is summoned to certify.
[013] The king to the sheriff, greeting. We order you to have before us or before our [014] justices etc. the bodies of A., B., C. the recognitors of an assise of novel disseisin [015] summoned and taken before such justices last itinerant in [your] county between D. [016] plaintiff, and E, with respect to a tenement in such a vill (or thus: We order you [017] to inquire diligently into who the recognitors of an assise of novel disseisin etc. [018] were, that is, where their names are not known to the court, and the whole as [019] above.) in order to certify our aforesaid justices at Westminster as to the oath they [020] took (or thus, more fully as to that assise) and in the meantime seize the aforesaid [021] tenement into our hand and keep it safely until you are ordered otherwise. We also [022] order you to have before the aforesaid justices etc. the body of such a one to hear the [023] judgment of our court thereon and also his judgment for his several defaults. And [024] have there the names of the recognitors and this writ etc. The writ may be drawn in [025] shorter form. It may be drawn in this same form with respect to all other assises, as [026] mortdancestor and the others in which a conviction would lie by the twenty-four. [027] If complaint is made of the action of the justices,3 let the justices first be summoned to [028] make the record; the recognitors may then be summoned to hear that record. If [029] they have made several defaults, then to hear their judgment for their several [030] defaults. And always, before all else, we must see