[001] entry and a writ of right, at one and the same time, and may choose which of them [002] he prefers, nor ought he to be compelled to one rather than another, to the writ of [003] right rather than the assise. If he chooses to sue by the assise of novel disseisin, he [004] can thus avoid the court of his lord, without injuria to any one,1 and so of the other [005] pleas and assises; thus no injuria is done lords of courts if the demandant chooses to [006] sue by writs other than the writ of right, since he need not use it unless he wishes. [007] If the time-limit of the assise of mortdancestor has passed, however, the writ of right [008] will lie, since the demandant cannot then prove seisin by a witness's own sight and [009] hearing, only by another's, that of a father who saw and instructed his son, that he [010] might be a witness. The writ of cosinage is this.
The writ of cosinage.
[012] 2The king to the sheriff, greeting. Order A. that rightfully and without delay he [013] restore to B. so much land with the appurtenances in such a vill of which C. the cousin [014] of B. (or the ancestor, such a one, with or without describing the persons as grandson [015] or grandfather) whose heir he is was seised in his demesne3 as of fee on the day [016] he died, as he [B.] says. And unless he [A.] does so and if [B.] has made you secure as to [017] [the prosecution of] his claim etc. then summon A. etc. to be [etc.] to show why he [018] has not done so. Witness etc. After essoins, the parties being present in court, [019] let the demandant put forward and support his4intentio in this way: A. claims against [020] B. so much land with the appurtenances in such a vill as his right, of which such a [021] one (by name) his ancestor (or cousin) whose heir he is (with or without describing [022] the relationship) was seised in his demesne as offee on the day he died, and from whom [023] the right in the aforesaid land descended to such a one as son and heir (and so one [024] after the other, exactly as in the writ of right, as will be explained below,)5 to him [025] who claims. And that such is his right and that such an ancestor was so seised let [026] him offer etc.
The answer to such a writ.
[028] And B. comes and defends his right etc. and says that he ought not answer to this [029] writ because he, the tenant, and the demandant are of the same stock from which the [030] inheritance sought descends, so that the writ of cosinage does not lie between them [031] any more than the assise. But we must see the reason why. A case may be put in [032] the persons of three brothers and in several different ways, as where the common [033] father or other ancestor dies seised of an inheritance and the youngest puts himself [034] in seisin of the whole, though it is not partible, or where the father or other common [035] ancestor, or the elder brother, or a stranger,