[001] not;1 if he has, that the tenant have escambium, [and] if not, that the tenant retain [002] by the assise and the warrantor be quit of escambium. For it would not be just that [003] the tenant have both the tenement he had before and escambium though the warrantor [004] defaulted. For that reason the assise must always be taken. It will always be [005] necessary to ascertain2 whether the tenant has just cause for claiming and for [006] vouching3 a warrantor or not.
Another writ on the same subject while
[the tenant] was in seisin. [008] The king to the sheriff, greeting. Seize into our hand by the view of lawful men etc. [009] from the land of A., because of the default of the same A., land to the value of a [010] third (or fourth) part of so much land with the appurtenances in such a vill in such a [011] county which B. in our court etc. recovered against [C.] by assise of mortdancestor [012] etc., and as to which the same C., while he was in seisin, vouched the aforesaid A. [013] and D. and E. his parceners to warranty. And summon the aforesaid A. by good [014] summoners to be before our same justices at such a place at the aforesaid term ready [015] to answer with the aforesaid D. and E. and to show why he was not etc. (as above). [016] If they do not come on that day they will lose the land seized into the hand of the [017] lord king by their default, according as the assise finds for the tenant or the demandant,4 [018] some of them or all, depending on whether they come or not on that day. [019] [When] the warrantor comes in by distraint, he either warrants immediately or [020] says that he is not bound to warrant, which in this case is simply to say that he is [021] not bound to escambium, taking the word warranty in one of its senses, because he [022] cannot warrant in the other sense, that is, defend the tenant in seisin, since there is [023] now no tenant in seisin for him to defend. Thus the question is only one of escambium, [024] and if [the warrantor] can defend himself he will withdraw quit of escambium; if [025] he cannot, let him satisfy his feoffee as to escambium at once, unless he wishes to [026] vouch over; if so, let the warrantor then be summoned to appear on such a day in [027] such a place to warrant so much land to such a one by this writ.
The writ for summoning a warrantor to warrant after the assise has been taken by the warrantor's default.
[029] The king to the sheriff, greeting. Summon such a one, A., by good summoners to [030] be etc. to warrant to B. so much land etc. which C. in our court etc. claimed5 against [031] D. and which the same D. afterwards lost by an assise of mortdancestor taken [032] between the aforesaid C. and D., as to which