[002] The king to the sheriff, greeting. Know that A. the daughter of N. in our court [003] before our justices by the judgment of our same court recovered against B. her seisin [004] of so much land with the appurtenances in such a vill of which the aforesaid N. [005] father of the same A. died seised as of fee. Therefore we order you to cause C., that is, [006] such a one, the guardian of A. as the nearer relative on her mother's side,1 to have [007] full seisin of the aforesaid land without delay, since A. herself is within age. And do [008] not allow D. the chief lord of that fee to have the wardship of that land or of the [009] heir since in our court he was abjudicated of that wardship because the land ought to [010] be held in socage. A writ for seisin may be drawn in the same form where the chief [011] lord is dispossessed because he committed waste and destruction, which may be [012] done by an assise of mortdancestor. Let it then be said at the end of the writ, [since] [013] he was dispossessed of the same wardship because of the waste and destruction he [014] committed in the same land. Witness etc. And note that in no assise, except the [015] grand assise by writ of right, does anyone recover seisin by default, for in all the other [016] assises no other penalty follows after default, after resummons and essoin, than that [017] the assise is taken by default.2 If one complains after the assise has been taken [018] that he cannot have his seisin as he recovered it, let a writ be directed to the sheriff in [019] this form.
A writ where the demandant complains that he cannot have his seisin as he recovered it.
[021] The king to the sheriff, greeting. Know that our justices who last itinerated in your [022] county record that A. recovered his seisin of so much land etc. against B. before our [023] same justices at N. by an assise of mortdancestor there taken between them, as to [024] which the same A. complains that the same B. still deforces him of that land (or [025] thus, that he cannot have his seisin thereof as he recovered it or not in peace). [026] We therefore order you without delay to cause the same A. to have his full seisin [027] of the aforesaid land as he recovered it and to maintain and defend him in his seisin. [028] Lest we hear further complaint [etc.]. Witness etc.3 There is another form, where the [029] tenant acknowledged the land to be the demandant's without the taking of an assise.
The writ for giving seisin where the tenant freely acknowledged.
[031] Know that when an assise of mortdancestor was summoned in our court before etc. [032] between A. the demandant and B. the tenant concerning so much land with