[001] and this writ. Witness etc. If the ancestor has entered into religion so that he is [002] dead for secular purposes, or has gone on a pilgrimage on which journey he has died, [003] the writ is altered thus: ready to recognise on oath if such a one, the father (or [004] mother, uncle or aunt, brother or sister) of such a one was seised in his [005] (or her) demesne as of fee of so much land (or rent) with the appurtenances in [006] such a vill on the day he (or she) took the habit of religion, and if he (or she) [007] took that habit after the term (as above). And if such a one etc. (as above).1 Or thus: [008] on the day he undertook a journey of pilgrimage to the Holy Land (or St. James [009] or elsewhere) on which journey he died, as is said, and if he undertook that journey [010] after the last etc. And if such a one is his nearer heir.2 There is another way and [011] another form where several parceners, co-heirs having one right, claim by the [012] assise, as several women of whom some are married and some not. Let it be drawn [013] in this way.
Another writ where there are several parceners demandants.
[015] The king to the sheriff, greeting. If A. and B. his wife and C. and D. the sisters of the [016] same B. have made you secure etc., then summon twelve etc. to be before etc. [017] ready to recognize on oath if such a one, the father of the same B. C. and D., was [018] seised etc. (as above) of ten acres of land with the appurtenances in such a vill. [019] And if etc. And let the tenant be summoned, one or several, who hold that land. [020] [Where there are several] there will be several assises because of the number of [021] tenants. 3Note that where the demandant is within age he will not find pledges to [022] prosecute. Thus the writ will not say if such a one who is within age has made you [023] secure etc., but immediately after the greeting it will say, if A. the father of such a [024] one who is within age was seised etc. Nor is the term to be added, for if the demandant [025] is within age it will be perfectly clear that the ancestor of the minor died after the [026] term.
Writ which is mixed in nature, mortdancestor and cosinage.4
[028] There is another form of writ which is, so to speak, mixed in nature, partaking of the [029] writ of mortdancestor and of that of cosinage, where the inheritance descends from [030] one stock to two persons who are, so to speak, a single heir by different lines of [031] descent, as to a daughter, where the assise of mortdancestor lies, and a grandson by [032] another daughter, where cosinage lies on the death of the grandfather, a degree to [033] which the assise does not extend; hence the writ is [not] drawn in the form above [034] but is varied in this way, if such a one the father (or mother) of A. and grandfather [035] (or grandmother) of B. (or greatgrandfather or ancestor) was seised in his [036] demesne etc.5 What is said of the seisin of [the father and mother on the part of the [037] said A. and of] the grandfather and grandmother on the part of the grandson [038] [B.], applies to their brothers and sisters, the uncles and aunts of the same A., and [039] the cousins or ancestors