[001] or in the other way. The deforciant cannot vouch a warrantor, since the assise finds [002] generally for anyone who has the right to present.1
Of the oath of the jurors in the assise of darrein presentment.
[004] When the jurors are present and there is no objection that can be raised against them, [005] as above,2 they must swear in this way: Hear this, O justices, that I shall speak the [006] truth concerning this assise and of the church (or chapel) of which I have made the [007] view by order of the lord king, and on no consideration will I neglect etc., as above. [008] And all the other jurors shall swear as above. When they have taken the oath, they [009] must hear the nature of the writ and the justice must instruct them, to the extent [010] that such is permitted, and warn them to take care to speak the truth because of the [011] absence of the deforciant who, if he were present, could inform them as to much. [012] After having had discussion and consultation among themselves, when the jurors [013] come before the justices to speak the truth, they may say on their oath that such a [014] one, the plaintiff, presented the last parson, who is dead, to the aforesaid church in [015] time of peace, that is, such a one by name, who last died as parson of the same church, [016] and that he was admitted on his presentation, or they may say the contrary, that [017] he did not present him nor any other, but another presented him etc. They may state [018] all the reasons why the presentation does not belong to the plaintiff which the deforciant [019] himself could put forward were he present, and show why he does not [020] deforce him wrongfully, as where after the presentation in question the plaintiff or [021] his ancestor, after that presentation, gave that advowson [to him], by itself, or the [022] tenement to which the advowson is appurtenant with all its appurtenances and without [023] any reservation, in fee, or for life, or for a term, or until provision made, as will [024] be explained more fully below,3 It is not sufficient for the jurors to say that he or his [025] ancestor presented4 rightfully, unless they show that the deforciant wrongfully [026] deforces that presentation. Nor is it sufficient that he wrongfully deforces (though a [027] finding of that kind may be of benefit to others who have right) unless the jurors show [028] that it is the plaintiff who is deforced, so that he may take something by the assise, [029] because all the clauses in the writ may be true, but they must still inquire whether the [030] deforciant deforces rightfully or wrongfully, and if wrongfully,5 if the plaintiff is [031] entitled to the plaint. They may say that they have no knowledge at all as to who [032] presented him who last died parson. If they are unable to say anything certain of [033] him, recourse must then of necessity be had to the seisin of the parson before him, [034] so that some certainty