[001] who has the hundred has the rent until the hundred is recovered from him, and sic de [002] similibus.
An exception lies against a plaintiff by reason of the person of the tenant.
[004] An exception also lies for the tenant against the plaintiff by reason of his own person, [005] as where he says that he committed no disseisin, if any has been committed, but that it [006] was done by another, his ancestor or predecessor now dead; that he is using no seisin [007] other than that which they secured, and that since the injuria is personal it does not [008] extend to heirs, nor since it is personal, to successors, for pain will fall upon those who [009] cause it. Therefore he must proceed by another action, by writ of entry. If he says [010] that not he but another committed the disseisin, though he has the thing seized, we [011] must see whether he holds a tainted thing, that is, [whether he acquired it] immediately [012] after the disseisin, with the consent of the first and principal disseisor, as by [013] some justa causa of acquisition, [whether it has passed directly to one or to several [014] [successively], from hand to hand,]1 or against the will of the first disseisor by disseisin [015] or intrusion.2 If so, he will not answer without the first and principal disseisor, because [016] he did not commit the disseisin by himself but with the other, [as may be seen [017] where the king has committed a disseisin and has then immediately transferred the [018] thing to another; each is a principal disseisor, the king a first and principal because of [019] his deed, and the other also a principal because of his immediate entry, and though he [020] is a principal he will not answer without the king, because he committed the disseisin [021] with him,]3 nor, conversely, will the first and principal answer without the secondary, [022] because without him he cannot restore. If the thing has passed to others long after [023] the disseisin, whether to one or to several successively, such persons are not principal [024] disseisors, though they are wrongful detainers of a tainted thing, as above more fully [025] [in the portion] on transfers.4
Who ought to be called a principal disseisor and who a secondary; and that one sometimes commits a disseisin in his own name, sometimes in another's as a procurator, villein or household.5
[027] To make matters clearer, we must see, by means of an example, who is a first and [028] principal and who a principal but secondary disseisor, because he has seisin of the [029] thing seized after the disseisin. It is clear that there are first and principal disseisors [030] and secondary disseisors. Also first and principal disseisors and secondary wrongful [031] detainers of the thing seized after the disseisin, one or several, [who] are not disseisors.6 [032] They are first and principal disseisors, alone and without the others, before they have [033] transferred the thing taken to another; when it has been transferred, with their consent [034] or against their will, the others