A writ to the effect that he be committed to the security of twelve men.
[002] The king to the sheriff, greeting. If twelve free and law-abiding men of your county [003] have undertaken before you to have B. before us or our justices on such a day [004] to stand trial with respect to the appeal which A. in our said court etc. is bringing [005] against him for the death of C., his uncle (or of some other, such a one) then cause [006] that appeal to come before us or our justices etc. on the aforesaid day. And tell [007] the aforesaid A. to be then present there before etc. to prosecute his appeal against [008] the said B. if he so wishes. And have there the names of the aforesaid twelve [009] pledges1 and this writ. Witness etc. If, as said above, the appeal is in the county [010] court, let another writ for summoning the appeal before the king issue in this form:
Writ for summoning an appeal before the king.
[012] The king to the sheriff, greeting. We order you to cause the appeal for the death [013] of C., of which A. appeals B. and for which B. was attached in your county court, [014] to come before etc. on such a day as he was attached to come before our justices [015] at the first session when they come into those parts. And have etc. Witness etc. [016] If the appeal has been made directly before the king or his justices of the bench, [017] let a writ for attaching the person appealed as principal then issue in this form:
The writ where an appeal has been made directly before the king.
[019] The king to the sheriff, greeting. If A. has made you secure with respect to [020] prosecuting his claim, then put B. and C. by gage and safe pledges to be before etc. [021] on such a day to answer the said A. regarding the death of D., his father (or [022] another) whereof he appeals them (or of breach of the peace and wounding or [023] the other felonies mentioned above). And have there the names of the pledges [024] and this writ. On that day those attached may essoin themselves, unless homicide [025] or some other major crime is involved. If they have neither come nor essoined [026] themselves and the sheriff has sent the writ and the names of the pledges, the [027] appellor being prepared to proceed, then let them be attached by better pledges. [028] And finally, that he have their bodies. And let the order of attachments be [029] observed, [as below [in the portion] on [defaults in] personal actions,]2 unless the [030] justices think otherwise, because of the nature of the offence. If [the appellees] then [031] go into hiding, let them be exacted as above, and all their pledges amerced. If the [032] pledges produce the appellees on their appointed day they will be discharged of the [033] bail [unless they volunteer to remain responsible for them] if they are bound to [034] nothing more than to produce them,3 [and] not that they answer or make their [035] defence,4 though it would be otherwise if they were pledges for