The words of the appeal of a woman complaining of rape.
[002] A., such a woman, appeals B. for that whereas she was at such a place on such a [003] day in such a year etc. (as above)1 (or when she was going from such a place to [004] such, or at such a place, doing such a thing) the said B. came with his force and [005] wickedly and against the king's peace lay with her and took from her her maidenhood [006] (or virginity) and kept her with him for so many nights (and let her thus [007] set out all the facts and the truth). And that he did this wickedly and feloniously [008] she offers to prove against him as the king's court may award.
The appellee's denial.
[010] And B. comes and denies the felony and the breach of the peace and the rape and [011] everything, word for word, as the king's court may award. He must of necessity [012] defend himself by the country, because of the unavailability of any other method [013] of proof, because of the woman's sex,2 unless there are exceptions available to him [014] by which he may avoid the appeal.
Of exceptions against the appeal.
[016] For he may except against it that suit was not adequately made, as in other [017] appeals, [or] that he did not deprive her of her maidenhood since she is still a [018] virgin. In that case let the truth be ascertained by an examination of her body, [019] made by four law-abiding women sworn to tell the truth as to whether she is a [020] virgin or defiled. If they say that she is a virgin, the appellee will depart quit of [021] that appeal and the woman be placed in custody; if they find that she has been [022] defiled, inquiry must then be made as to the guilty party, whether by the appellee [023] or another, but not by the said women but by the country. On this matter may be [024] found in the last eyre of Martin of Pateshull in the county of Norfolk in the twelfth [025] year of king Henry, [the case] of Levina daughter of Ralph of Sheringes.3 He may [026] also except against her and say that he had her as his concubine and amica before [027] the day and year mentioned in the appeal and put himself on the country with respect [028] thereto, [or] that he had her and defiled her with her consent and not against [029] her will, and that if she now appeals him it is in hatred of another woman whom [030] he has as his concubine, or whom he has married, and at the instigation of one of [031] her kinsmen. He may also except that on the year