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Bracton Online --
English |
1. vel
1. vel
2. Infra 394-5, 415
3. Supra 344, lines 17-18
4. attachietur, all MSS.
5. Belongs infra at n. 14; om: in appello ... plagis, ut redactor's introductory phrase
6. appellatus retineatur
7. ut
8-9. Inst. Cnuti, 35: Liebermann, i, 337: Si advena aut peregrinus, qui de longinquo venit, sit tribulatus pro penuria amicorum, ut non possit habere plegios ...
10. Gloucester Crown Pleas, 141; infra 432, iv, 363; a common phrase in the rolls: C.R.R., x, 67
11. D. carcer enim ad continendos homines, non ad puniendos haberi debet.; supra 298
12. Infra 408
13. vel; pace, all MSS.
[vel] donec per dominum . . . dimittantur, from lines 33-4; the portion supra n. 5 belongs here15. Infra 348
16. Infra 361, 391
17. New paragraph