[001] our justices at Westminster between such parties, to recognize who as patron etc. [002] (and then the entire original [writ]). Therefore we order you to inquire diligently [003] as to who the recognitors of the said assise were and to cause them to come without [004] delay before our justices at such a place on such a day to make a recognition of the [005] said assise as they were to come before our justices at Westminster on such a day [006] charged to do the same. And make known to the said B. (and thereafter word for [007] word as in the previous writ, up to the clause In witness whereof etc.) And have [008] etc. Witness etc. Though an assise of mortdancestor has been put before such [009] justices in the county, sometimes, after default or essoin or a day given or a [010] warrantor called, it is put before the justices itinerant. [If] the tenant does not [011] come on the first day, let him then be summoned to appear before such justices [012] itinerant by this writ.
[Writ] if an assise is transferred from the four justices to the eyre of the justices outside the county after it is begun in the county. [014] The king to the sheriff, greeting. Summon A. by good summoners etc. to be before [015] such persons, our justices itinerant, to hear the assise of mortdancestor which B. [016] in our court, before such persons our justices thereunto appointed, arraigned against [017] the said A. concerning so much land with the appurtenances in such a vill, so that [018] the said assise may then proceed in the same state in which it was at such a place, [019] when it was put before the aforesaid justices thereunto appointed.1 And cause to [020] come before our said justices itinerant at the aforesaid place C. D. [and] E. [021] recognitors of the said assise, at the term aforesaid, to make the assise. And have [022] there the names of the recognitors and this writ. Witness etc. But if the justices [023] ought to be appointed to take an inquest, or to hear disputes between persons over [024] liberties, or of robberies or other matters, such as injuriae and the like, if two [025] or more are appointed let a writ close issue to each of them in this form.
Writ for the appointment of justices for inquiries into contentions on complaint.
[027] The king to his trusty and well-beloved A., greeting. Know that we have [028] appointed you [one] of our justices, together with B., for the taking of an inquest [029] between C., the plaintiff, and D. with respect to contentions which have arisen [030] between them concerning such liberties (or2 the usurpations of fees or3 other [031] wrongs, robbery, beatings, blows and the like touching which there is dispute [032] between them) according to the form of our letters sent to our sheriff, such a one. [033] Therefore we order you, urging that4 you go to such a place