Writ patent on the same subject to all the justices together.
[002] The king to A. B. [and] C., greeting. Know that we have appointed you our [003] justices etc. (as above). And therefore we order you, urging that you meet on such [004] a day at such a place there to do what pertains to justice, and in the loyalty whereby [005] you are bound to us there to attend to our business so faithfully that etc. (as [006] above). We have ordered our sheriff, such a one, that at the aforesaid date and [007] place he cause the summonses to be made before you and the attachments to [008] come with the writs of the assises and pleas aforesaid. In witness whereof we send [009] you these our letters patent. Witness etc. Afterwards let writs close be drawn to the [010] sheriff, that he cause all pleas to come before the justices. 1Of a general summons [011] to be made to all, both great and small.2
Writ close to the sheriff to cause all pleas to come before the justices.
[013] 3The king to the sheriff (or sheriffs), greeting. We order you to cause to come [014] before them, at certain days and places which our trusty and well-beloved men, [015] such persons (or such a one4 and his companions) whom we have appointed our [016] justices to travel through your county (or your counties) for all pleas shall make [017] known to you, all the pleas of our crown which were not pleaded and which have [018] come to light since our justices last travelled in those parts for all pleas, and likewise [019] all attachments pertaining to those pleas and all assises and all pleas which [020] have been put to the first session before the justices, together with the writs of [021] assises and pleas, as is more fully contained in our letters close which we have sent [022] to each of you separately. Witness etc. That is, writs of general summons which [023] are in the following form.
Writ close of general summons.
[025] 5The king to the sheriff, greeting. Summon by good summoners all the archbishops, [026] bishops, abbots, priors, earls, barons, knights and free tenants of your [027] bailiwick and from each vill four lawful men and the reeve, and from each borough [028] throughout your bailiwick twelve lawful burgesses, and all those who are accustomed [029] to and ought to come before the itinerant justices, that they be at such a [030] place on such a day in such a year of our reign before our trusty and faithful A. [031] B. C. [and] D. whom we have appointed our justices, to hear and do our command. [032] Cause then to come before those same justices all the pleas of the crown which [033] were not pleaded and which have arisen since our justices last travelled in those [034] parts for all pleas, also all attachments pertaining to