Harvard Law School Library |
Bracton Online --
English |
1. D.; infra 319, 322
2. Because there has been no withdrawal from the first: infra 323; iv, 289
3. Br. and Azo, 181, 184
4. Infra 319
5. Infra 320, 323; iii, 38-9
6. Infra iv, 47, 284
7. Cf. infra 319, 320
8. Br. and Azo, 181, 184-5
9. Drogheda, 64: semel extinctae non reviviscunt
10. Infra iii, 138
11. Br. and Azo, 181, 185; actionum, all MSS
12-13. Azo, Summa Inst. 4.6, no. 25
14-15. Reading: ut si incidat in quacumque causa conventio . . . exceptio, from lines 31-2; infra iii, 339
16. Infra iii, 142
17-18. per hoc incidentem vel emergentem remanet principalis vel procedet