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1. Br. and Azo, 177-9
2. As supra 287
3. Inst. 3.27. pr.; the portion on actions quasi ex contractu, supra 287, also from Inst. 3.27, belongs here
4. Supra 290, n. 17
5. Om: Ex contractu ... dictum est
6. Inst. 3.13.2; supra 284 ff.
7-8. D. 12.1.9. pr.
9. causae, all MSS.
10. Supra 71
11. Belongs on 296
12. Br. and Azo, 178-9; Kantorowicz, 125
13. Supra 294, infra 296
14. Br. and Azo, 179, 182
15. Inst. 4.1.19. The English actio furti (P. and M., ii, 159-65, 494) is a condictio (cf. Kantorowicz, 103); infra 425-6
16. Infra 394, 398-9, 412-3; appeal of larceny: infra 426
17. A far-fetched parallel, but see J. M. Kelly in L.Q.R., lxxx, 77, nn. 17, 18
18. Glanvill, xiv, 3; P. and M., ii, 486, n. 3; infra 352, 407
19. Infra 399, 407