[001] a military tenement of greater or lesser extent, according to the ancient custom of [002] fees.15 Such will be the reasonable relief for military fees.
Who is bound to relief.
[004] Who ought to give a relief. It is he who succeeds another by hereditary right, [005] in whose person the inheritance, which lies vacant by his ancestor's death, is again [006] raised; he and no other. For he who enters into seisin through some causa of [007] acquisition, as by purchase or gift, shall not give a relief; only if he enters by way [008] of succession.
To whom is he bound.
[010] To whom must it be given. To no one except chief lords and immediate feoffors. [011] If there are several chief lords, ascending step by step, each heir shall give a relief [012] to his own feoffor, or to the lord king if he happens to hold of him in chief by [013] military service, not to the others.
How often.
[015] How often. It is clear that it is to be paid once only, that is, as long as the heir who [016] once relieved [the tenement] remains alive. It is not to be paid because of a change of [017] lords, if several chief lords die from heir to heir, [for] though because of that several [018] homages must be taken, and they are several in the reckoning of the lords, there will [019] be but a single homage from the tenant's standpoint, though several times renewed, [020] and therefore there will be but one relief.16 And so when the tenant has once given a [021] relief and a change of lords occurs through gift or purchase, judgment or agreement, [022] or in any other way whatever, though the tenant is bound to do homage to the [023] several lords who have acquired, or if the lord of whom he first held is removed as [024] mesne because of felony or the failure of heirs,17 to the [next] superior lord,18 he shall [025] not on that account pay a relief, since the inheritance he once relieved does not fall [026] in his person though it falls in the person of his chief lord by death or transfer, failure [027] of heirs or felony.
[029] When must relief be given from a military fee. It must be given after homage done [030] and when his inheritance has been restored to him by his chief lord, or when, [031] having come to full age, he has put himself into vacant possession without hindrance [032] or contradiction.