Harvard Law School Library |
Bracton Online --
English |
1. Supra 79, infra 266
2. New paragraph; belongs supra 220
3. New paragraph; belongs supra 222; infra iv, 232
4. New paragraph
5-6. D. 41.2.23. pr.: Cum heredes instituti sumus, adita hereditate omnia quidem iura ad nos transeunt, possessio tamen nisi naturaliter comprehensa ad nos non pertinet.
7. Supra 54
8. primogenitae
9-10. ante assignationem vel post, from line 31
11. Infra 226
12. Redactor's introductory sentence; the preceding section (208-25) wrongly inserted
13. Continued from 208, n. 11; rubric should read: Some heirs are bound to homage, some to fealty only