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[001] present before you, or if not (or if they are present but are disobedient so that the
[002] extent cannot be made) then take unto yourself other lawful knights, from among
[003] those whom our sheriff, such a one, shall there cause to come before you, in place of
[004] the aforesaid knights, by whom that extent and valuation may the better be made,
[005] who are connected with neither party by any bond of affinity, and on their
[006] oath cause that extent and valuation to be made in this form, namely, that all the
[007] lands and tenements be extended as was said above. We have ordered1 our sheriff,
[008] such a one, to cause to come before you on the aforesaid day [so many persons],
[009] knights as well as other lawful men by whom that business may the better be
[010] accomplished. And therefore we order you to assemble, setting aside all excuses, at
[011] the aforesaid place and day to make the said extent and valuation according to the
[012] form aforesaid. And when it has been made, to cause the value of all the lands and
[013] tenements to be written down and to have that writing before our justices at such a
[014] place and on such a day that you may certify us or our justices thereupon.2 And as
[015] soon as that extent and valuation have been made to cause the aforesaid, such a one,
[016] to have full seisin of the aforesaid honour with its appurtenances.3 Witness etc.’
[017] When the extenders to make the extent and valuation are chosen by the consent
[018] of the parties, let a writ then issue to the extenders chosen in this form, on the part
[019] of the king.

Writ when the parties by common consent choose others to make the partition.

[021] ‘The king to A. B. C. and D., greeting. Know that A. of N. and B. of N. in our
[022] court etc. chose you, that by your oath there be extended and valued all the lands
[023] and tenements of such an honour, concerning which there was disagreement
[024] between them and about which they have come to an agreement in our court
[025] before our justices, such persons, provided that if one of you is unable to be present
[026] that such an other person be put in his place (and so of all the others named).
[027] Therefore we order you firmly enjoining you to assemble on such a day at such a


1. ‘Praecepimus’

2. ‘ut nos ... certiores,’ from lines 20-21

3. ‘exceptis terris ... imbreviantur,’ transposed infra 211, nn. 1-2

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Page last reviewed April 2003.
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