Harvard Law School Library |
Bracton Online --
English |
1. ascendendo.
2. descendente, as 197, line 25
3. a
4. sicut a communi stipite eorum, from line 26
5. descendidit
6. Infra 197, 198
7. Supra i, 382
8. ad liberos or ad suos heredes, as 197, for ad eos
9. Infra 198
10. Om: Et in ... transversali, a connective
11. Infra iv, 173. Glanvill (vii, 4) regards the eldest son's brother or sister as being in a transverse line, as in the arbor in Britton (ii, 321). The Institutes is in accord: supra 195 n.; and so Br. infra 197, line 6; a non-Bractonian addition?